[center][b]Character Dialogue Colour: [/b][color=ffcc99]ffcc99[/color] [b]【Full Name - Nora Colm】[/b] [b]【April 15, 1995】[/b] [b]【Female】[/b] [b]【Bisexual】[/b] [b]【LatinoCaucasian, wealthy class】[/b] More elaboration. Try to leave two line breaks when you feel that the paragraph is growing like ol’ big red Clifford there. [b]【Drive】[/b] Has a deep desire to discover things, will spend weeks camping by herself documenting everything she sees. Works for National Geographic and does so for a living. [b]【Science and Music】[/b] Loves a wide variety of things but settle mostly on, science, music, martial arts, and literature. [b]【Appearance】[/b] [https://www.google.com/search?q=turtle+mark&biw=1154&bih=582&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ7Zj1tOfMAhVI44MKHbR3A-UQsAQIKQ#tbm=isch&q=pretty+girls&chips=q:pretty+girls,g_2:spanish&imgrc=nKRNeuSM8aXF9M%3A[/center]