[quote=@Theodora_21] Lol So many questions! :P I can't believe you even brought up Stephanie Meyer's wanna be vamps, but since you ask, no not them. More Brom Stocker kinda mixed with Anne Rice? It will take place in modern times, romance is allowed but not the focus. If you have ideas for what kind of abilities you want your character to have, shoot me a PM and I will tell you if it's too much for this RP. As of right now I am not limiting anything since I still don't have an OOC up so basically anything you come up with will probably be accepted. As for violence, yes please. Only let's keep the gore to a minimum for those with weaker stomachs. Like I said, I still haven't come up with a concept for this yet, but by tomorrow there will be a concept, an OCC and a CS... wow I have a lot to do tonight :P [/quote] I'm sorry ma'am XD it's just I'm thorough and have had bad experience with people wanting to just rp without addressing the basics required to rp Hehe. Yes yes I agree Stephanie Meyers take on vampires is grossly misinformed and really just a teenage girls wet dream. But I had to address it to ask XD some people are in love with that XD that is very reassuring that you share my sentiment for her, how should I say, unguided bullshit twinkling high schoolers xd