[quote=@The Grey Dust] Not really seeing the major differences here. Zhystkrexas also is the patron of Bloodlust. Since warmongering a form of desire, a desire for conflict and strife. Anything "in excess" supposedly he is the patron of, as his domain deals with overindulgence in an attempt to sate oneself of your hungers. Unless your Succubus suggests carnal desires in moderation, Zhystkrexas seems like he already fits the bill for Devilish temptation. Although he's not as flirty, since he has that gravitas to unnaturally make those around him worship him for without him they would feel hunger. In theory, she could be an example of what Zhystkrexas can do to the Demigods, if given enough exposure. Since she desires to get into everyone's pants as an extreme form of lust... [/quote] Good luck to her trying to seduce of a friggin mountain sized dragon, or kozz.