[@Monochromatic Rainbow] Urthar leapt out of the way as a rather large swarm member slammed the deck where he’d been standing just a second ago. Tucking the staff under his left arm he made use of his wings as they battered the smaller swarmlings aside putting him in position to let go with a void bolt wave into the oncoming horde. Using his wings again he repositioned as he half flapped, half climbed across the deck. Still making use of the human form he pulled his wings in front of him as a rather potent wave of raw void energy rolled over him. Looking up and peering through a slit in his wings he took note of the being standing on the railing of Blackwing. It sported three faceless heads that seemed to shift back and forth between between different faces, some human, some animal, some totally alien. [i]Trexian'Zhan[/i] All three heads turned to take in Urthar. Turning simultaneously they fixed on him before displaying the heads of three predatory animals that all roared at him in different voices. [i][color=lime]Oh, I will enjoy killing you Priest. I can see you’ve gone native. Galendar has even corrupted your form.[/color][/i] Urthar grimaced from behind his wings as he leapt backwards and unsheathed the Scythe. The blade of pure nothingness cleared the area around him smoothly completely erasing all matter living or otherwise that it came in contact with. There was a loud pop as air pressure equalized from the sudden absence of any air molecules where the blade had cut. Yelling in a voice that required more than one tongue to speak Urthar taunted the Collector. “Come let us see if you are as powerful as you seem to think you are. I shall enjoy consuming your essence” With that Urthar opened a void maw and the beast on the otherside of the cut in the fabric of reality seized the collector in razor sharp tentacles dashing the aberrant against the ground before receding into the tear as it closed. The Collector rearranged its shape so it could stand without effort. [i][color=lime]It will take more than that[/color][/i]