[color=#FF0000]Harley's rather bold intention of stirring up the tedium of the mood came off strong. Not like she cared what Dick made of her intention to push his buttons in more then one simple and literal way. Harley Quinn needed to live for a thrill, especially since these days the only real thrive she got was obtained through smashing up some of her more recently obtained problems. Things had changed for her in Gotham city and hardly being back much longer then a week only served to really remind her of all the things she missed, among the handful of others she could really do without. Finding some form of elation from the greater overwhelming bloom of her gloom felt like an attempt to keep her head above the surface, from all the underlying sorrow that served to try and pull her under. Somehow and for some reason, she believed that Nightwing may be able to prevent that from happening. It felt weird to put her hopes in a former enemy, even if seeing him as that same old opponent of hers, hardly seemed as easy as it used to be today. No matter the response given from the bold display of her nosy actions, Harley knew Dick would either have to comply with her demands or shun her from the idea. [i]But which of the two represented his outlook on her today?[/i] It was certainly time to find out.. [quote][color=white]He shook his head and said[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Give me a few moments to find us a straighter stretch and I'll show you what this beauty can do."[/color] [color=white]With that, he jinked around a few corners and came to screeching halt at the head of a long deserted stretch of road.[/color] [/quote] Instead of doing anything immediate, or forcibly in declining Harley's wandering curiosities to try and cause mischief among the subtleties of the situation, Dick only discouraged her from the idea through the form of wagering cooperation with her patience. The response caught Harley off guard, so much as the shake of his head sort of caused her to assert her attention to the man and his request for her to hold on temporarily. [i]Was he seriously going to let her press buttons on the dashboard? Was this the same Night-brain she remembered? The same night-brain that always came between her intentions to win the favour of her former mad lover?[/i] Harley only narrowed her eyes in compelled enigmatic gaze, her lips pursed on the thought of wanting to challenge his little desire to fulfil her own request for dangerous exhilaration at the request of her own brief patience. She wanted to denounce the idea, but instead she found no reason to. For the first time ever Harley Quinn found herself easily complying to the terms requested of her by her adverse peer. [color=white][i][b]“Fine.. have it your way then..”[/b][/i][/color] She said, trying to hide the near disbelief of the answer she still doubted she really heard. Resting back and sliding her chin from her former light brush against the shoulder of the man she thought it would be fun to antagonize and pester, Harley retained her patience in favour of feeling regarded, no short of throwing on adorable musing smile at the idea of knowing that this wasn't going to be all about Nightwing and his journey to find the Batman after all. [i]This really was going to be about both of them..[/i] Letting her excitement linger on the gentle silence of her cooperative smug accomplishment, Harley let Dick throttle the bike from the remaining busy intersection and to a much quieter street. Once there she'd slowly peak the curious gaze of her eager imaginative blue eyes down the emptiness of the stretch in front of her. She saw barely anyone, hardly anything but old warehouses and factories left long unattended, but that hardly seemed to disturb her hope in waiting for what Dick kept in secret. She pondered on what he might be scheming at as she'd only set her sights on the empty stretch of land ahead. Her eyes widened in hysterical wonder to the conclusion of knowing what Dick was going to do as both of her hands wrapped about the size of his waist and clenched in tightened sharp entwine, as she'd press her chin back up against his shoulder edging her appeal of the situation with light nuzzle of her chin to his cheek, as her exalted gaze peaked just beyond. It was only at that time that Harley felt defined in realizing that she could still have her fun and that nobody else around her would need to get hurt. An interesting lesson only teased to her by the least suspecting individual. [color=white][i][b]“Gee.. the things ya miss when you hardly kno where to look.. he he..”[/b][/i][/color] She near whispered with a peep of a giggle back to the driver of the bike, before hearing his comment about counting to three before she'd be allowed to press the button. A gentle nod ensued in response, Harley's confirmation to Nightwing's request seemingly like a spellbound nod the idea of pressing the button and only dreaming what it might do, given the circumstance exposed in front of her. “Three? Why three, why not one, or two?!” She blabbered on letting the blatancy of her excitement sort of flavour the good nature of the mood before easily reaching back over and trying to keep her finger from just slamming on the buttons as hard as she could and never letting letting go. Like a child eager to go on the biggest most bad-ass ride of their entire kid life, Harley could feel the impatience slowly ripping her apart. [quote][color=dodgerblue]"Press it on three." "One..." "Two..." "Three!" [/color][/quote] By the time Nightwing had just barely pronounced the word three, Harley had jammed her finger on the button and sent them both accelerating in insane turbo forward. The bike revved and wallowed forward like an unstoppable force of supersonic speed and into the night. Down the empty stretch of former nocturnal silence they'd plummet until a sharp squealing of the tires edged Harley's excitement on to a new height of satisfaction. No, it wasn't satisfaction. It was surreal bliss instead that thrived through her, causing her nerves to stand on end while her grip around the waist of her protege clenched at the evidence of showing some sort of possible affection for the surprise ahead. With only the short of empty stretch ahead and the towering ramp beyond, Harley felt a joyful thrill empower her and dissolve any former ill emotion she had for Nightwing in that moment. Harley's grip was true and stronger then ever only embracing the man in front of her with limitless expectation. They'd hit the ramp and go sky rocketing through the night sky, like a shooting star at breathtaking speed and expeditionary wonder. [i]She felt like she could fly in that moment.. soar forever, forget her problems of Gotham where they were on the grounds of the city below her...[/i]. [color=white][i][b]“WHOOHOO! YIPIEEEEE!”[/b][/i][/color] She called, no screamed out in elated epinephrine as she'd soar through the air and come crashing back down onto the other ramp with the heavy recoil of the fall, near causing her to fly off at the crash of the bike just hitting it's stability of balance against the opposing ramp. Frankly she didn't feel concerned if they made it back down in one piece, given she hadn't felt that free and consumed by her own infatuated struggle for blissful gratification since she first found herself over taken by the thrill of earning her infamous name in Gotham city's history. The main difference was, this time, she wasn't hurting anybody for anyone and this moment was all for her. And beyond they'd go into Gotham's new night and towards the trials that may lie ahead.. [hr] The bike came to a piercing stop just several streets down from the duo's destination on Harley's command. She didn't forget Nightwing's preference of stashing the bike a safe distance away, supporting the idea with only her spratic announcement that the place was just a block or two over. [color=white][i][b]“Stop here!”[/b][/i][/color] She commanded over the high winds and powerful lashing speeds that drove the bike forward. With the bike in park, Harley slide her hands from the former cradle around Dick's waist and hopped off the bike with quick precision and energized motivation. She turned in a quick motion, that smug contented grin riving to a point of enamour that seemed to hang about on the edge of her lips. It could have been from the thrill of the former experience of speeding through the night on the bike, or the climatic secret that won Nightwing anything but further demerits to her terms of favour, but Harley's conscience felt very intrigued and intrigue often led her to much more audacious shows of expressing her affection.. Before Dick could get off the bike, Harley closed in on him like a cat entrapping a mouse. For a second she'd just stare down in his eyes with a enchanted glint, as one of her elbows slowly edged up on the handle bars as if to grasp Dick's attention. When he looked up, she'd quickly peak over and plant a firm sharp kiss against his cheek. If he tried to move away she'd only turn her cheek to the attempt of his withdrawal and gently brush her own up against his with a gentle coo. She'd then step off with a snappish wink and sway of her hips as her expression became engulfed in mollified content. Hand reaching for the bat slug at her back, she'd pull it from place and rest it against her shoulder. [color=white][b][i]“Ya don't need to say anythin Bird-brain, I think you've showed me enough already.. I gotta hand it to ya, that's gotta be the best motorin experience I think I've ever had.. Not like your head was in the.. game or anything, but ya know.. the engine really kicks, so sometimes it kinda felt like it.."[/i][/b][/color] A pause and then she'd continue. [color=white][i][b]Dun look at me like that, I ain't some floozy.. I was talkin about the engine weirdo..”[/b][/i][/color] She claimed, as she'd walk further and further away only timing her steps with her forward departure from him this time, so she knew he wouldn't fall too behind. [color=white][i][b]“Feels nice to kick back and break the rules a bit don't it? Ya coulda killed me.. but ya don't see my complainin.. do ya's?”[/b][/i][/color] Another nasty solicitation sung out from those mischievous crimson lips of hers before she'd slowly point forward with the bat and direct their venture ahead. [color=white][i][b]“Just down there, it's a secret place only accessible by a certain back door, courtesy of a very clear no bat-creeps policy.. If you stay covered well enough and just let me do the talkin, I can get you in without any noise at all.. but you gotta trust me.. So go do whatever is you do best somewhere where you can keep an eye on me and i'll arrange a private invitation to get you v.i.p access into Joka's little amusement club.. Oh and Bird-brain ya gotta trust me, don't come swoopin down at the first sight of trouble.. okay? I'll scream real loud about the sky fallin or something, if I require yer emergency assistance alright? Keep an ear open.”[/b][/i][/color] She said, before letting the beguiling pace of her steps carry her further down the street with light sanguine dawdle. [/color]