[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0jylrrI.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hVyC7J6.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/YmaKncm.png[/img] [b]-[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/py7Kkjq.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MKTnsEJ.png[/img] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/gInwT89.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mkPhKam.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BdCpwj3.gif[/img] [b][color=springgreen]Location[/color]:[/b] Performing for one of her TV shows (Yes, her music and film work cross) [color=springgreen]→[/color] Adventuring! [b][color=springgreen]Interacting with[/color]:[/b] Film & Music people [color=springgreen]→[/color] Phone call with Eve [b][color=#8B6969]Location[/color]:[/b] Day drinking in her new apartment in Beverly Hills [b][color=#8B6969]Interacting with[/color]:[/b] Her half siblings [b][color=#698B69]Location[/color]:[/b] In his office in the Bellerose Estate [b][color=#698B69]Interacting with[/color]:[/b] Himself [color=#698B69]→[/color] Eve by Skype[/center][hr] "[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6fYUb-rWrk][color=springgreen]Yeah, we could be any place, any time, in any moment. It's a race to the line. Break away from the life that they sold ya. Pack a bag, say goodbye. All we know is go, go, go. All we know is go, go, go.[/color][/url]" The cameras focused on a petite girl, standing at 5'1", in a music studio set. She had long, flowing hair that was dyed brown with a hint of red, and even had a blonde ombre. She was a trend setter, for sure. Her hair was subtle enough to be classy, but loud enough to hint at her personality. Behind and around her were three girls: a bassist, a drummer, and a guitarist. No, they were not in her band, since her band mates were all male, similar to her half sister's symphonic metal group but like, the pop punk version. This session was for her teen drama show, [i]Chasing Ghosts[/i], where she starred as the aspiring teen singer, Daniela or "Dani", whose way of coping with life problems was drowning herself in the thrills of the world. Her character is one of the more emotional driven ones in the story, which Amity fits to a T. Make a character with confidence, flare, a bit of a punk who doesn't give a flying fuck, wild tendencies, and a lot of attitude, then you should definitely consider contacting the daughter of the famous fashion designer of the Velvet Bellerose high fashion brand. She was made for the role of whirlwind characters, who are extremely vibrant with their expressions, actions, and words. Recently, on the show, her band just signed a record deal, which is a good segue to the next arc where fame and love either make or break the girls' friendships with each other, bringing out the worst and best of them. Think [i]Josie and the Pussycat Dolls[/i] meets [i]Skins[/i]. Swaying with the music, the idol let the song 'Young and Relentless' fill the room, quite use to performing under many different circumstances. Camera 1 was on a dolly, gradually sliding closer to her face as she sang her heart out - a song that expressed the characters' perseverance, determination, and their true selves (before the next arc changes them tremendously). When the dolly came to a halt, the star of the show gave a playful wink, breaking the fourth wall. [h2]"CUT & SCENE."[/h2] The director looked at the star actress with a wide grin, as the idol was given her [url=https://33.media.tumblr.com/6b72a0de30f0ce4042e674a2750c30fd/tumblr_inline_msg9eqOCQV1qz4rgp.jpg]nearsighted glasses[/url] by a production assistant (she wasn't in the mood this morning to put her contacts in). Obviously pleased with how the scene turned out, the director chirped, "That's a wrap ladies and gents!" After the signal, crew members started to break down the set, as the idol, who wore [url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/d8cd7d391bf580b30b625b15a9b5b157/tumblr_inline_npt6q1TxNT1syxobj_540.png]a burgundy red pleated skirt, a black halter top tucked in, stockings, and Louis Vuitton heeled boots[/url], gave the other actresses embraces, expressing that their performances were on par. The man behind the camera gestured for the bubbly girl to check out the playback. The idol sauntered beside the Camera man, as the female director complimented, "Excellent work Amity, outstanding as always. I'm so ready for next season, but at last, it's time for Post." Just when Amity Bellerose, princess of the Fashion world, was going to check out the framework of the dolly shot, [url=https://media.giphy.com/media/1odOyzCHFLNTO/giphy.gif]Luke[/url] , her Scottish bodyguard, knocked on the studio door and gestured at his watch from the door window. "[color=springgreen]Looks like I'm needed! Send some stills to [url=http://img.scoop.it/N388pZGyPV0dJMGwm_NZDTl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVvK0kTmF0xjctABnaLJIm9]Renee[/url]~. I can't wait to see what ya got.[/color]" She chuckled at the thought of seeing how well her emotions translated on camera. Amie wasn't gonna deny that she was one hell of an actress. With that, everyone said their goodbyes, and Amity made her spidey escape. Exiting the studio, she looked up at her handsome, foreigner-of-a-man, bodyguard, "[color=springgreen]Thanks for saving me, Maureen can get carried away when it comes to her baby.[/color]" The show was indeed the director's baby and the more success it got, the happier the director was. "[color=dodgerblue]Weel, ye also hae a phain caa, Amie.[/color]" [sub](Well, you also have a phone call, Amie.)[/sub] The tall, brute had a grin on his face, knowing both he and his idol had some downtime the moment they stepped out of the studio. Renee was on errands taking care of many other important things for Amity. All the idol truly needed to do was show up to her engagements and give 120 percent, and like today, she would be rewarded freedom! Grabbing the phone from her bodyguard, Amie looked to see who was waiting on the other line, it was an [i]unknown caller[/i]. Smiling to herself, she put the phone to her ear and walked beside Luke toward the exit, "[color=springgreen]Hiya babe, perfect timing! How are you?! When was the last time we talked? It feels like ages ago![/color]" [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GLBsn6Z.png?1[/img][/center]On the other line, a raven haired woman sat on her sofa in her new [i]Beverly Hills[/i] apartment. She had just finished setting up her [url=http://www.homebunch.com/wp-content/uploads/Sherwin-Williams-Paint-Colors.-Sherwin-Williams-SW6206-Oyster-Bay.-SherwinWilliamsSW6206OysterBay.-SherwinWilliamsOysterBay-SherwinWilliamsPaintColors-.jpg]living room[/url] with her band mates. No, she would not be rooming with those idiots. If that were the case, kill her now. She simply needed their man power and wasn't one to hire a shit ton of people to help her move in. Why hire people when you have reliable men at your beck and call? They had left to get laid, or something of little importance to the lead singer, seeing how they were no longer needed by the babe that was the face of [i]East of Eden[/i]. Her home phone was on speaker, as she leaned back in her seat, twirling her glass of fine 1994 Dominus Estate Napanook Napa Valley red wine in her right hand. She wore [url=http://designerswap.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/large-1.png]a brown suit jacket, a black turtle neck, light blue jeans, and comfortable black flats[/url] - something still nice, just in case she were to run out, but comfortable enough to set up furniture and such (or tell her band mates where to put shit). "[color=#8B6969]Hey love, so it's safe to assume you're done filming, right?[/color]" Bringing her addiction to her lips, more alcohol than wine itself, she took a nice, smooth gulp, as she waited for her happy-go-lucky half sister to reply. "[color=springgreen]TOTALLY DONE FILMING UNTIL NEXT SEASON! I'm so happy! Oh, oh, Eve, guess what?![/color]" Evelyn Harding knew very well that the chatterbox would continue talking without her having to say anything in response, so she waited and stared at her grand piano, one of her more expensive furniture in her new humble abode, "[color=springgreen]Renee actually is letting me, I know can you believe it, have fun! I get to enjoy LA for once, ahhh![/color]" "[color=#8B6969]Does Max know you're back?[/color]" Intrigue fell on the Raven's face. Perhaps, her request would be a walk in the park. Without a doubt, she loved how easily influenced Amity was. Quite the charming trait, wouldn't you say? "[color=springgreen]No, silly! I want to surprise him. Daddy is keeping it a secret from him and letting me use his penthouse until I'm ready to come back home. I still need to think of an idea... but it'll be great! I just know it![/color]" Letting out an amused chuckle, Eve brought her gaze to the blinking light on the landline and shook her head, "[color=#8B6969]You know he hates surprises.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]PFFT. Like I care. Surprises are fun. He loves seeing me, so he can deal![/color]" "[color=#8B6969]Of course.[/color]" The mysterious woman said in a low, yet agreeing tone. Standing up with her drink still very much in her hand, Eve surveyed her room and began to absentmindedly walk around it, "[color=#8B6969]I may have an idea for you... a [i]surprise[/i] he would never forget.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]OMIGOD. Tell me![/color]" It sounded like Amity was jumping around like a hyperactive squirrel on the other line - classic Amie (so excitable, such wow). Eve could even hear Luke say, "[color=dodgerblue]Whaur dae yi'll waant tae gang? Hey! stoap jumping in th' motor.[/color]" [sub](Where do you want to go? Hey! Stop jumping in the car.)[/sub][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GLBsn6Z.png?1[/img][/center] Meanwhile, a dashing man of 17, who recently got his long brown hair trimmed for a press conference, sat at his desk inside his [url=http://storeinteriors.ru/wp-content/uploads/wakakuu-office-and-showroom-by-kicki-kardell-stockholm-03.jpg]glass box office[/url], sketching potential concepts for this year's [i]The Royal Gala: Bellerose Winter 2016 Couture[/i]. Unlike his younger sister, he was farsighted, which meant every time he drew, he needed his glasses on ([url=http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/519110396-irish-actor-jonathan-rhys-meyers-poses-for-a-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=X7WJLa88Cweo9HktRLaNXmDfL6wu1rlR2yZfno2QIema91FBWIUVqNCqjRKBMO4cdiPK3cxnk6sSb8EAn9DPXA%3D%3D]his outfit[/url]). This event was known for it's gorgeous, spectacular fashion show and the masquerade ball that followed after. The man behind the V.B. Rose Brand, had put his son, Maxwell Bellerose Jr., also known as the Prince of Fashion, in charge of the finale outfits (no pressure at all). Three, to be exact. The wall behind Max was covered from top to bottom with drawings of dresses and other elegant women's attire. His face was strained and just one glance at him, anyone could tell that he was stressed, exhausted, and uninspired. [i]Extremely uninspired[/i]. Luckily, he got away with not attending school for the day since coming up with showstopping concepts was his top priority for the day - and for the rest of his life. Not attending class meant he didn't need his make up artist to disguise him as Donovan Ryder (one thing he was good at was hiding in plain sight). The articles of him online were priceless. He got a kick out of the fact that no one had any idea where he was right now, when for the past two years he's been residing at his father's estate in Beverly Hills. Either way, back to the original point, he wasn't getting anywhere with his concepts. [color=#698B69][i]Garbage, no, no, absolutely terrible, garbage.[/i][/color] He was just about to scribble all over his drawing and flip his table in frustration, when his French assistant [url=https://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8kbbdFK6X1rtl0kz.gif]Valarie Lefévre[/url], who wore a [url=http://www.metromela.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Casual-Wear-for-Women-Casual-Business-Suit.jpg]simple, business formal suit[/url], but still delicately expensive, came strutting in with a fair face he hadn't seen before. "[color=fdc68a]Maxwell, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.[/color]" Her accent was hardly noticeable, compared to Luke's. The wise woman's gray eyes glanced over her responsibility like a hawk, waiting for a response. As always, Valarie would intensely stare at him, trying to get a read on his emotions. The [url=http://data.whicdn.com/images/31495924/original.gif]brunette[/url] beside her had her hands clasped together, waiting patiently to be introduced. She wore a divine, cashmere blue coat over her [url=http://img.alibaba.com/img/pb/849/273/705/705273849_916.jpg]white blouse and black skirt[/url], with legs to die for. His father found another beauty to work for him, he would presume. Giving the women a nod of acknowledgement, he picked up his drawing he almost ruined just moments ago and gestured for the newbie to come closer. The intern turned to Valarie seeking permission, who gave her a smile in return, assuring her it was okay to approach him. The young brunette, who had a hint of sass hiding behind her mask, gradually made her way to Mr. Bellerose's son. Taking the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d9/ac/6f/d9ac6fb6b36f82bbd1df0d1af07f8110.jpg]drawing[/url] from his hand, she looked at it, her eyes staring at the piece of paper with pure amazement, "[color=f6989d]This is breathtaking, um, Mr. Bellerose.[/color]" "[color=#698B69][i]Please[/i], call me Max.[/color]" His soft, sky blue orbs looked up at her, almost playfully. He grabbed her freehand and gently pressed his lips against it. A gesture to show that he approved of her. Her face faintly blushed, but it immediately vanished when he looked away from her and brought his attention to his work. His tone changing from a flirt to a business man in a blink of an eye. Leaning back in his seat, he sighed, "[color=#698B69]What's your name? Am I right to assume you may become my second assistant?[/color]" "[color=f6989d]Oh, my apologies, Max. My name is Claire Hadaway. Yes, I will be interning for the position.[/color]" Tapping his leg on the ground, thinking about more things than just his interaction with his assistants, he turned to his computer and shook the mouse gently to get it out of sleep mode. "[color=#698B69]I see, I see. Take that drawing to the rejection room. It's nice to meet you.[/color]" With that, he went on ignoring the intern's presence, growing bored of her and noticed that Eve had sent him a skype message. "[color=f6989d]Rejection room?[/color]" She stared at the man, who most definitely was near her age, with bewilderment and just when she was going to say something more, Valarie's voice cut in. "[color=fdc68a]Miss. Hadaway, I'll show you around. Come, come. Maxwell needs his peace.[/color]" One moment, Claire felt like he was into her, the next moment he was ignoring her very existence completely. How infuriating. [i]How rude.[/i] Max's rejection room was the place he considered certain clothes he had designed to be outdated, that needed 're-inspiration' and 'revival'. This included failed drawings of his. Never waste potential masterpieces (even if his anger has led to him crumpling papers up and even burning them). The room had a large window in the ceiling slant, which literally had light shine down on something he could possibly work with. Yes, he was strange, but there was a method to his madness. After his assistants left, he read Eve's message: [quote][b]Philips2597: [color=#8B6969]Call me when you get the chance, bud.[/color][/b][/quote] Eve used her mother's middle name to hide her identity (and for the numbers it was the day Eve was born and year), just in case someone were to hack into Max's computer. She also made sure to have an untraceable computer address. Eve took many precautions to protect her half family's reputation. After reading the message, he called her, deciding to take a break from his dilemma. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GLBsn6Z.png?1[/img][/center]Having finished an entire bottle of wine and her phone call with Amity, Eve heard her Skype ringing. Placing her glass down, she grabbed an already opened bottle of Pinot Grigio and muttered, "[color=#8B6969]Fuck it.[/color]", deciding to just drink right out of the bottle. Making her way to her laptop, which was rested on [url=http://bedroomdecor.us/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/girl39s-bedroom-decoration-according-to-style-or-personality-intended-for-music-bedroom-decor.jpg]her bed[/url], she gave a gentle yawn. Long day, but there was many things to do. Answering the call, making sure not to spill her wine on her white blanket, Eve examined her brother and couldn't help but give him a kid-like smile, that only he usually ever saw. The siblings stared at each other for a moment taking in the other's facial expression. Tilting her head, with a wonderful buzz in her eyes, Eve broke the silence, "[color=#8B6969]Rough day?[/color]" Resting his chin on his palms, he growled to himself, not really needing to say his inspiration was pure shit these days - even going outside wasn't helping him. "[color=#8B6969]Have you ever thought about changing things up?[/color]" Narrowing his eyes, Max muttered, "[color=#698B69]Change in what way?[/color]" Taking a chug of her white wine, she rolled her eyes, "[color=#8B6969]Oh come on, Maxi. Maybe it's time to give up the act and find yourself a muse. You're the type of guy who needs change in his life. Remember when you chose to attend Beverly Hills High? That was the best change you made! And up until now, you've made daddy proud.[/color]" It was obvious Eve considered Mr. Bellerose more of a father, than the man she was forced to call 'dad'. "[color=#698B69]You're rather talkative. How much did you have to drink?[/color]" He asked, genuinely concerned, but also dodging the subject. Holding tight onto her bottle, she gave him her intimidating death glare, which made him sit up, pulling away from the screen. "[color=#698B69]I don't think going to school as 'the Prince of Fashion' would help my situation. Do you know how much drama goes down on a daily basis? I'm like on the edge of Analise's radar. She [i]still[/i] hasn't noticed me. I think that's a damn feat![/color]" "[color=#8B6969]Yes, I do know some, because you keep me updated. For someone who avoids people like they had an STD or something, you sure keep up with the gossip.[/color]" Crossing his arms in defense, also cringing at the STD mention - since his one and only friend at the school was Bianca Salazar, who had left a bit ago, he amusingly laughed (in an awkward, nervous kind of sense), "[color=#698B69]It's kind of hard not to eavesdrop when you have girls yelling shit off the top of their lungs daily.[/color]" The girls at Beverly Hills High were rather ferocious... he was lucky enough to still be alive. Placing her bottle down on the floor, she crawled closer to the laptop, and let her dark stare lock eyes with her brother, "[color=#8B6969]I have something to tell you.[/color]" Clearing his throat, Max waited for the news, a little concerned at what it could be. It wasn't often Eve had something this important to tell him, that she wanted to get straight down to business. His mind was racing with the endless possibilities. "[color=#8B6969]I'm transferring to your school.[/color]" His mouth dropped at the words that came out of her mouth, "[color=#698B69]You can't be serious? Do you know how-[/color]" "[color=#8B6969]Shh. I need this, just as much as you need to do something about this rut you're in. Help me and I'll help you. Do you know how much dad wants you to have a trophy wife? I seriously think if you go to school as Maxwell, you'll find [i]inspiration[/i]. You're young and handsome, Max. It's time to live up to your full potential and make daddy proud![/color]" Taking in her words, he stared at his sister and wondered if... if he did what she said, would he truly gain the inspiration he needed? Lately, it's been getting harder to hide his identity because of his obligations as heir to the V.B. Rose brand, so maybe this was a sign. "[color=#698B69]What... do you want me to do in return? I feel like I'm getting the short end of this stick...[/color]" An oh-so-familiar grin fell on her face as he waited in agonizing anticipation to hear her thoughts.