[center][url= https://youtu.be/kXo8Y6qz6QA?t=71][sub]A Plan is Knocked into Hitomi’s Head[/sub][/url][/center] [@Crimmy][@Krayzikk][@Plank Sinatra][@Ayazi] Hitomi hit the ground hard. Not because she had decided to, but because she was tackled. Which was rather nice of her new friend. Though her skull kissed the pavement and it left a ringing sensation that drowned out any other noise she was able to hear. It was through this forced clarity that she was able to deviate from her usual sweltering train of thought and realize what was necessary, what had to happen. Before she was able to hear herself speaking again she began whispering commands into Daisuke’s ear. Pulling his ear directly besides her mouth. “[color=#00c0e6]Get ready to flank the pizza delivery forces. They’re about to be angry.[/color]” She launched herself up and off the ground, barely able to keep her guitar case in tow. She – at a grain strain on her arms, cupped her hands (only really successfully with one hand) and yelled at Kimiko. “Get to the truck.” She would shout, coming between the dastardly oppressive forces whom used delivering humanities favourite foods as a way into their hearts and minds. This was true evil. Hitomi had found her calling. “[color=#00c0e6]Hey mozzarella brains![/color]” She said waving her arms back and forth. “[color=#00c0e6]Yeah, you sons of calzones![/color]” “I-I don’t think you could even deliver a breadstick, let alone a pizza!” Hitomi said, confidence only slightly wavering. [i]“[color=#00c0e6]Shitake Mushrooms this is looking bad.[/color]”[/i] Hitomi cursed under her breath putting her guitar case between herself and the pizzatrons. As soon as they began to garner interest in her she reflected once more upon her dissatisfaction with their delivery services. She scanned around for anything usable and noticed a fire hydrant a few feet behind her current position. She began backing up towards that while still cursing towards the pizzatron 9000’s. “[color=#00c0e6]I would like a complete refund![/color]” She said daring the pizzatrons once more. [i]‘[color=#00c0e6]You can put that in your juice box and suck it.[/color]’[/i] She thought preparing to evade the cheesy onslaught she was attempting to garner through her vigorous insults. Still motioning towards Kimiko to move onward to the truck, hopefully without the onslaught of deliverybots attempting to stop her.