[b]Name[/b]: Madison Nauders [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Element[/b]: Fire [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/x9eg5.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Madison has always been the quiet and reserved type. She'd much rather spend her time with a close friend or two than be the center of attention amongst a sizeable crowd. That doesn't mean she's antisocial thought; but her preference is to watch from the sidelines rather than being in the spotlight. Madison will become a chatterbox when drunk (she's not a total goody two-shoes) and surprisingly, she is quite the adrenaline junkie. Madison doesn't like confrontation. If caught in an awkward situation, she will shy away from the issue and will probably lie to make it easier on herself. [b]History[/b]: Madison grew up in a stable home a couple of hours away from school grounds. She is the youngest of three siblings and has an older twin brother and sister. Her father, Jake, has the elemental gift of fire. Out of the five, they're the only two with any ability at all. Due to this common trait that they both share, Jake and Madison spent a lot of time together throughout the years. Having had a rough childhood himself, his parents even going as far as locking him in the basement, Jake sought to help Madison in any way he could after he learned a thing or two from friends with elemental experience. Today, Madison is still learning how to work with her ability. She was sent to the academy by her parents who would much rather see her harness her gift than end up hurting or killing herself in the process. Her siblings, although somewhat jealous of her, are happy to see Madison will get the help she needs but they nonetheless wish they could be in her shoes. [b]Equipment[/b]: N/A