[quote=@Zero Hex] Well, yeah, but then he could just make people have their one signature item and no extra powers to start with, you know? And I'm just wondering how having a superpower, even if a basic one, is somehow easier to manage than a weapon that can be even simpler and whose special abilities can be limited in the same way. And then with the skills, a lot of characters aren't defined by explicit supowerpowers but rather by how well they do karate or handle a sword or whatever. It just feels like a real strange limitation that cuts off a ton of what makes the genre to start with and it didn't seem to be a problem on the first game. [/quote] Actually, I do agree with the GM as far as skills go, I think. I'll try to explain why. First, I think that the GM wants our characters to be what many in the online gaming community would lovingly refer to as a bunch of noobs(people who're thrust into a world and they have no idea what their doing.) So, they'll, by which I mean our characters, will have to work our ways up from scratch. That's why the abilities, and likely weapons are so basic. It's meant to be a journey where everyone goes from chicken scratch to bad ass raptor. The thing with starting with abilities is it kind of messes with the spirit of being out of your element. Powers and items work because their things we're just barely getting. As for myself I don't remember the first game too well other than a monkey and it dying kind of fast. Perhaps the skills had something to do with it, or maybe the GM just decided against it after giving the subject more thought? I hope that makes sense. I just took some melatonin and it's hitting me hard. If not I'll tyr again tomorrow.