[center][h2][color=0072bc]Dewmeadow[/color][/h2][/center] The lass touched her elbows together and began running in place. She buried her face in palms that faced toward her, muffling a high-pitched squeal. Her pink dress fluttered as she bounced from heel to heel. In crescendo, she unleashed her hands to the air. Though it was daytime, the stars lived in her eyes. Her mouth was wide and her voice was loud. [color=f49ac2]“Yesyesyesyesyes! Okay, let’s battle! Come on Fluffy!”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Mareep!”[/color] The boy with the butterfly net on his back sprinted to the lass’ side. The wooden handle rattled in place as his shoulders alternatively stretched backward in pace. Once he planted his sandals in the grass, he stretched his arm outward, pointing toward Purrloin. Caterpie inched up the boy’s leg, slowly but surely. The bug Pokémon made its way up to the tip of his finger in a spiral movement pattern. It stretched up to its maximum height, wiggling its suction-cup feet in the air. Its large eyes met the sky and unleashed a yell. [color=c4df9b]“Piiiiieeeeee!”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“Only if you win, Wiggler!”[/color] The girl in the black and white uniform ran up to the other side of the lass, across from Espurr. Her body rotated from side to side. One leg was bent, shoe twirling into the grass. Her hair was much like Mara’s, bangs swinging with the motion of her body. She smiled behind a hand placed in front of her face. Oddish popped up from behind the trio, running between everyone’s shoes before coming to a stoic standstill in front of the Jr. trainer. Its eyes narrowed and sized the Espurr up. Its mouth was flat, expressionless. [color=598527]“ODD.”[/color] The oddish spoke in a disturbingly low voice, as if something was caught in its throat. The girl giggled, but didn’t say anything beyond that. -- [center][color=6ecff6]~LASS PATRICIA, BUG CATCHER WADE, AND JR. TRAINER JANE WANT TO BATTLE!~[/color][/center] -- [@hatakekuro] The lass in pink dress stood across from you. She hunkered down, resting her chin on two folded hands. She locked eyes with the unusually stone-faced Yanma. She hummed, tone swinging in pitch. Her head began to serpentine upward. Chin still resting upon her hands, she stood on her tiptoes at the highest frequency, before smiling and pointing a finger upward. [color=f49ac2]“Oh I know! Fluffy let’s cheer Yanma up! Give her a hug!”[/color] Mareep bleated in her young, undeveloped voice. The sheep known as Fluffy did its best to stand on its hind legs. Using its wobbly tail to balance, Fluffy began to waddle its way toward Yanma. The wool Pokémon waivered side to side, but managed to remain standing. Its wool was so abundant, the swirl on her head occasionally covered her eyes, only revealing the open smile of the Pokémon as it approached. [@PlatinumSkink] The Caterpie finished its war cry, beginning the arduous journey of climbing down the bug catcher’s body. As he did this, the trainer had diverted his attention to the horizon behind Rowan. His head balanced on his knuckles. Wade’s other hand scratched his temple, unsetting the brim of his straw hat. [color=8dc73f]“You know, I’ve been pondering lately…”[/color] The trainer was removed from his trance. His tongue slid out of his mouth, stretching upward in some sort of effort. His eyes squinted as he fiddled with the pockets of his shorts. There were so many, you could only guess how many bug-related items the boy carried with him. [color=8dc73f]“How much longer will I be wearing shorts?”[/color] Pausing for a moment in contemplation, Wade returned his attention to the battle in front of him. The Caterpie had finally made its way down the towering trainer, sliding between the relatively tall blades of grass. It reared up once more, to gain a view of where the Purrloin was located. [color=8dc73f]“Okay Wiggler! Use String Shot!”[/color] A white resin began to collect at the Caterpie’s mouth. It appeared, though, that Purrloin had the initiative. [@Morose] The Oddish immediately planted itself as the battle was declared. Its eyes remained locked with Kira, as they had been since he ran in front of Jane. You couldn’t see his feet, had he put himself in the ground? [color=598527]“ODD.”[/color] The Jr. trainer remained silent. Instead of speaking, she too lowered herself. She sat on the grass with her legs tucked underneath her body. She placed her hands on her knees and closer her eyes. Her head seemed to sway with the direction of the wind, as did the leaves on top of the Oddish’s head. A sweet scent began to fill the air around you, like the first honeysuckle of Spring.