[h1][center][color=brown]Vuduin Alimore[/color][/center][/h1] Vuduin started at the sudden fit of rage from the previously friendly man. A villain in disguise? How devious! Budew reacted with a strange sort of mewling growl noise that seemed vaguely intimidating. Before anything more could happen however, the Arbok swiftly attacked the tattooed guy. Then, though Vuduin was ready to heroically leap into action, someone beat him there, deftly defeating the rouge trainer and dealing with his Pokemon in a matter of moments. Vuduin's mouth was open in a silent O of amazement for several seconds before he managed to shut it again. Budew looked pleased with the turn of events and sniffed haughtily at the downed trainer, somehow. [b]"Whoa, that was super cool."[/b] were the first words out of Vuduin to the red-haired trainer. He'd even managed to look stylish while doing it! Vuduin wondered if he could be that impressive one day. [b]"Er I mean-, good work: thanks, though we could've taken care of it."[/b] Had to put on a bold front, after all with such an impressive hero in front of them his damsel could very well become smitten with the wrong one. Then he'd have to find a new damsel and it would be such a waste when he one right next to him. [hr] [center] [u]Location[/u] Gleampie [color=brown]~Current Team~[/color] [hider=Budew][img]https://s.yimg.com/fz/api/res/1.2/.HreSP6FR6DqFlLtTtTFWg--/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2ZpPWluc2V0O2g9MTY1O3E9OTU7dz0xNTA-/http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/budew.jpg[/img] POKEMON: BUDEW Type:[color=green]GREEN[/color]/[color=purple]POISON[/color] NATURE: SASSY FAVORITE FLAVOR: BITTER DISLIKED FLAVOR: SWEET ABILITY: POISON POINT (CONTACT MOVES FROM OPPONENTS HAVE A CHANCE TO POISON) MOVES: Absorb Growth [/hider] [u]Bag[/u] Palm Pokédex Potion x1 Palm Ball x1 500 P (Pokédollars) [/center]