[hider=Henry Monroe] [b]Name:[/b] Henry Monroe [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Henry stands at about Five foot Seven inches with an average build and some decent strength to him. His hair is dark brown on both his face and head. The hair on his head being rigid and loose, and in desperate need of a cut. He's Caucasian and with little physical labor his skin has turned very pale. [hider=Picture] [img]http://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/posts/2014/03/0_0001_Layer_3/e3ded0fca.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Hunter is overall a caring and easy going person. Though he tends to be a bit of a smart ass, and is lazy when it comes to tasks he has little to no interest for, including work that he feels progressive or repetitive. In terms of intelligence, he can speak with decent grammar, though has a bit of a southern touch to his voice when he does speak. [b]History:[/b] Hunter grew up at several different locations across the east coast, the longest points being in the north at birth, and in Florida for most his teenage years. Growing up his family was very much a military family, with at least a third of his family serving in at least one branch of the armed forces. Including his sister, and himself. Joining the National Guard at the age of nineteen, Henry felt he could take on the world. Though despite most efforts he never made it past basic training. Between his smart ass comments to him commanding officers, being late or missing several drills, and overall just being lazy, he was kicked out. Despite the minimal training he had received, he had learned no discipline. Making most that training he gained, useless, unlike his sister; she was promoted to Sergeant. After the armed forces didn't work out he attempted working as a security guard, with similar results. The only difference this time was he made friends with a fellow guard who knew someone, who know someone, who know someone, and so on, who was able to get him a job working on a cargo vessel. Though not the most exciting job, at the age of 22 Henry was off to work. Most of his time on the mainland is spent in an old camper to prevent having to pay for a motel when he arrives back to the states, or to avoid paying for a house when he is away for months at a time. At this current stage in life he still works on the large cargo ships and attempts writings in his personal time. SO far publishing one 30 page story about what it's like to suck in the military. Including a short page about how to run faster from your drill sergeant using fear as a pure motivation. [b]Relationships: [/b] The only relationship he really cares about in this stage of life is his sister. Beyond that, he doesn't get to know people long enough to form any kind of relationship. [/hider] I want to apologize for any mistakes ahead of time, I wrote this in bits and pieces as my day went on and honestly it's two in the morning right now... If there are mistakes let me know and I can fix it, if the character sheet itself needs work let me know and I'll do what I can to fix it.