[center][h2][color=red][u]Kristoff Wise[/u][/color][/h2][/center] Kristoff smiled, looking at the group of trainers. While hearing the immediate crowd of people around that he didn't notice before that likely gathered during the incident, Hearing the one comment calling him cool almost made him blush from embarrassment, so the other compliments including someone shouting to marry them, made him blush slightly rubbing the back his head. [color=ed1c24]“All of that was pretty much sheer luck, I'm actually pretty bad at most things I do. But I appreciate all the kind words.”[/color] He replied in a slightly loud tone of voice, that wasn't shouting, but coming off as passionate. As Char went back into his shirt, shyly poking his head out some, looking around slightly nervous with so many people being around. He gently petted Char's head to get him to relax, though his head retreated back into the shirt as the voices got louder. [color=ed1c24]“He's normally pretty shy, but he's a little sweetheart, when he warms up to you.”[/color] He commented, looking at the trainers. Watching as a man in a yellow coat approached silencing the crowd, as Char curiously looked and much to Kristoff's surprise actually proceeded to climb up to his head, sitting on top, shifting some to make himself comfortable, like a cat. [b]“Cyndaquil.”[/b] Char happily exclaimed. Kristoff chuckled some. Observing the woman walking over and lifting the man seemingly without struggle and taking him away. Listening to the crowd reacting once more, surprised that Char was remaining relaxed on top of his head. He noticed as the man directly started approaching him with several men behind him. Making him feel a little uncertain, being unsure what was about to happen. Clearly surprised, as he placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded at his pokemon. Some hesitation came from the sudden touch that he didn't expect, as a mild shiver came down his spine, however it didn't bother him for long. As the man started patting his shoulder offering him to some kind of dinner seemingly waiting for his reply. Having a feeling he wouldn't likely take no for an answer. Not that he wanted to be rude by denying someone's offer anyway. He smiled politely and nodded his head. [color=ed1c24]“Well I just did what I felt I should, and I appreciate and accept your offer...”[/color] He replied though still not entirely sure who he was, though before he could ask he soon addressed the three other trainers as well. [color=ed1c24]“Glad, that I could help.” [/color] He added also turning his head toward the trainers. [hr] [hider=Pokemon] (Char) Cydnaquil [/hider]