[u][center][h2][color=EECBAD]Nima[/color] & [b]Dante[/b][/h2][/center][/u] Although the ability to move was hindered by the sudden force caused by the Chrono, Dante was proud to see that the young adviser’s eyes continued to stay focused on his heir as it was meant to be instead of her own well being. Stefano’s life might have ended prematurely but what time he had he used to train her well and given the tension already present, it was something he needed to depend on. “You know your duty to the family. Worry not about me child and and attend to Luka and the others.” “Yes father.” Irene nodded before she swiftly leaving, crossing paths with Nima as he approached Dante. Nima’s eyes watched the Asylums casually file into the room, his figure remained steady and firmly in place while he eyed them carefully. Each one fixed into his mind as he viewed them to be nothing more than arrogant bastards, their airs putting everyone beneath them and the worse part, AMRO practically allowed such actions to go without punishment. His arms crossed over his chest causing his suit to crinkle slightly, ruining the pristine image Sahar had worked hard to establish on him as he resisted a glance toward his family. Sahar was gingerly checking Yaser, the heir’s gaze much like a falcon with a daring appearance and seemed to play little mind to his mother’s touch. In his youth, the boy would’ve twisted away to complain then dismiss her concern but now he generally accepted it. Mainly because he knew respect, even to the fair gender, was required to become the next Shah. Turning his mind from the display his family likely made, his thoughts waited for Dante’s reaction and words to comment on his earlier ones. “Quite brash for an entrance.” Dante noted as he took a glance towards Irene to make sure all was well within his family before giving his attention to Nima. “There is no way around that fact my friend but given the already rising tensions amongst the bloodlines do you have a better alternative on establishing a foundation to keep the peace and halt, although temporary, the quarrelsome acts between the bloodlines?” There was no malicious tone nor accusation in the man’s voice but rather a genuine question towards the Shah and his thoughts towards the situation knowing that even in their civil manner towards each other, AMRO was one subject agreement couldn’t be found. “You maybe right, but I fear it might only work toward escalating matters in the future. We’re all edgy, though I question if it’s because of the same reason. I only know of yours, mine and a few other bloodlines issues, some better than others, with the recent deaths. Far too numerous to be a coincidence which is stirring my instinct that something is on the horizon, something terrible.” Nima admitted, honestly. His eyes shifted to Irene with acknowledgement as he lingered on her shifting between family members, calming others while retaining order quickly. Being family oriented himself, his mind shifted to a topic of much more positive atmosphere than choosing to slump within the topic of AMRO’s dogs. “Irene seems to be taking to her role quite well. Stefano would’ve been pride, wouldn’t he? It’s a terrible tragedy that he couldn’t fully complete her training due to unforeseen events.” Nima commented, recalling the adviser’s untimely death and the issues it might’ve created for the child’s future. His eyes flitted over Samad leaning against the wall farthest from him, causing the Shah to abruptly tense in reaction to the sight. It was a surprise to say the least to learn AMRO had decided to assign an x-Kian family member to oversee the Meeting of the Crest as their Bloodline hadn’t been wiped out, his mind wondering if it was mainly chance, fate or AMRO rubbing salt into their aging wounds. “He was a wise man and an even better teacher even in my youth and although he is no longer, the girl is very much like my uncle and carries on his legacy well.” Dante said as he shifted his gaze from his own family towards Nima’s children and wife and finally to the current heir. “Your son appears to be doing well even with these trying times to add to the burdens already present due to the internal conflict within your bloodline. I do hope you keep him safe at least for my own selfish desires.” Dante admitted as he surveyed all who were present. There were quite a few families here that he hated and even more that he didn’t trust even with AMRO present and on a good day unlike this one. “Roshan might be loyal to your family but between him being more consumed within his business and the influences he has on his children, it would be a shame if after generations of mutual benefit that conflict arises within the next generation or two due to the ideologies of the patriarchs shifting apart if either were venture too far from where things are currently being held. Becoming a corrupt man of God or a businessman too consumed by power isn’t too far of a fall from where we are currently.” Dante said pointing out the fact that his family too could be the culprit if a future rift between the two families were to occur. “Sadly, my brother is less reasonable and more prideful than myself, but as long as Yaser is alive there’s little worry in that.” Came a subtle reminder that Nima knew the boundaries, even if Dante didn’t believe he did, unlike his own brother. Letting a moment of quiet pass, he continued to address the other mentioned things in hopes to prevent him from dwelling on what seemed to border a quiet warning should the worst occur. “Roshan’s views dependence upon other bloodlines to be weakness and an opening for a down fall, his views are creating more outbursts among the branch and main families than I believe there should be. He refuses to see the points I’ve lined out just like when we were children, his jealousy a driving point since the day father chose me as his heir.” Nima stated, the spell caused by Samad’s presence broken the moment Dante spoke. His attention turned to the topic, using it to wrench his thoughts from the taunting display within range and ignore his lost blood. “As for Yaser, he has fared well despite the latest attempts and knows what is expected of him. The only issue is that he lacks faith in his ability to accomplish them. Something, I hope, will subside over time. Being his father, my words hold only assumptions of perfection and required affection.” Nima’s tone shifted to one of high concern when his eyes shifted to look upon his own son. “He doesn’t seem to fully understand that despite him being my blood, if I wasn’t fully confident in his abilities then he would know it.” “If only I had the experience in this specific matter to bestow some advice to you my friend but alas my heir and children still present are young and Stefano stole the job of raising Irene.” Dante said with a light chuckle as he tried to ease the conversation. Raising children was a stressful job and sharing a similar fatherly trait towards their offspring Dante could empathise with Nima. “Once you unlock the answer to this roadblock please share it with me. It won’t be long before I too could be facing a similar situation with Luca or possibly Irene.” “I will. Through I hope I learn of it sooner rather than later. All my brother needs is a foot hold and all the hard work established will be washed away, something very dangerous for both our families.” Nima said, his thoughts turned to Yaser’s age and relentlessness to marry any of the chosen brides his wife and him had decided for him. “Now if I can get him to marry a suitable wife among the aligned rouges, then she might be able to help somewhat. I know Sahar helped to cool my temper and prevented me from making a fool of myself numerous times. It might very well be the very same for him, I hope.” “I hope your wife is well, Sahar has been looking forward to some female companionship since we left Iran. Most the woman in the branch family tend to become rather tense around her and makes conversation difficult since they fear their lax behavior will get back to me somehow. In addition, I believe she misses not having a little one under her feet. Parsia is already six years after all and showing a fondness over Yaser, something I’m rather proud to see.” Nima mentioned, his eyes spotting his wife already shepherding the children, tailed by Yaser, over toward Dante’s wife. The greeting was polite and genuine concern shown for not just Luca, but the others as well. Naturally the twins smirked and each wanted to see the infant cradled in the woman’s grasp. “Francesca has been doing better since we last visited although it has been a trying time for her.” Dante said as he watched the two families start to mingle. “It’s always a surprise on how fast time can go by and how quickly children can grow up and I think that has been a bittersweet moment for Francesca now that Luca is trying to talk more. On top of that, Rosella will be leaving shortly for AMRO and our household will lose another member of our family.” Taking a glance towards the Asylums, he noted that a few were in the works of mingling and observing the bloodlines knowing that it wouldn’t be long before Rosella would be among their numbers along with Sonia. “Children always grow up before we’re ready to let go. Seeing my wife glow with the prospect of motherhood has always made me grateful for the new life brought into our family though losing them so quickly hurts as much as it gave me joy to have them bring in. Dara has already shown his surge weeks ago, but no seekers came to our doorstep. As a married man, you can understand my problems with a fretful wife in the household?” Nima had a bit of an amused tone in his words toward Dante, his eyes noting the man staring at the Asylums. “If only the fretfulness would cease and she would leave it all at the door before entering the bedroom.” Dante said with a similar mischievous smile both were familiar of during the man’s younger age. “Women are already complicated with all the different hormones coursing through them.” Nima nodded in agreement, his lips still held that smirk and eyed his wife with slight lust in his charming eyes for a moment. “At least Francesa didn’t vibrate you out of the bed. I tried to get intimate with Sahar in hopes to make her less stressed and next thing I knew, I was rubbing elbows with Akbar on the floor.” He made a soft sigh then added. “The things we put up with for the women we love.” “But it’s worth even with the extra challenges they may bring.” Dante said with a nod as he looked towards the two families again. “Now if only we can get your son to fall into the women trap.” “I agree. Through, for Yaser, If it was only that easy.” Nima replied, his tone tingling with laughter as he looked at his heir with a slight sorrow in his eyes. “He refuses to marry. Each match Sahar and I have tried to established was pushed to the side and now my wife is concerned for his future. It hasn't been helped with the random killing happening on rogues and branched family members, my son seeming to be blind to it all. I sometimes want to slap him upside the head. That was part of the reason I was hoping Stefano might’ve passed some knowledge or wisdom I could apply to my son.” “If only my daughter was a bit more blind like Yaser or my uncle could have here for a bit longer. With all the chaos within the family and the untimely death of Stefano, Antonia seems to be using the distractions to become more mischievous and it seems to be growing as the weeks go by especially after she surged last month.” Shaking his head, the man looked at his youngest daughter as he recollected his past. “I guess my unwillingness to listen to authority as a child has finally came back to haunt me. Bringing Antonia and the twins together again could go well and keep them distracted, especially from my sister’s son, or be the end of my grey less hair” Dante said as he combed his fingers through his hair. Nima agreed, his eyes spotting the two siblings immediately start to seek out Antonia. It didn’t take long when they spotted her over by his least favorite family, the heir of the Queen Anne. His teeth gritted instinctively as he recalled their various attempts in the past to sell their goods, namely oil, being shipped overseas. H inhaled sharply then spoke in a calm manner. “Dara and Ziba will help keep her out of trouble. The twins, I will admit, seem rather fond of her in their own way. Through I fear Ziba’s surge will be much bigger than her twin brother’s and when that day comes, if AMRO comes for her, he will be completely lost. It will be like losing a part of himself.” “It would be a hard loss for him and one I do not envy.” Dante nodded as he watched the children mingle. “Losing a child to AMRO is hard after the bond that is formed over time but a bond that completes yourself such as a twin would be devastating. If it comes to a point he needs some time away from home after her surge and departure to recover, my home is always a place he would be welcomed my friend.” “I think the change in scenery, after Ziba departs, will be helpful.” He paused then added. “If you haven’t any objections, I might send him and Parsia to spend a few weeks with you as I’m sure Francesa will enjoy having Antonia occupied. In addition, Parsia needs the cultural experience for the modern world. I believe your family can provide that and in a respectable fashion compared to other sources.” “My home is always open to you and your family and Francesa would adore having the two there for a visit.” Dante said with reassurance. “Our ties are too close for our families not to reach out when the other is in need.”