[center][u]Skrauti "Jeager" Niadh[/u][/center] [center][u]Outskirts of Mjors[/u][/center] Skrauti had kept track of the small caravan for a few hours now, watching it pass mid hunt. Luck was on his side as they walked right past him. Deciding that time should fall before approach, and that food was more important, he finished his hunt for a deer. Snares set the day before did the job, as expected. A small pit of berries laced with rope slung one up quickly. Upon discovery, Skrauti slit it's throat to bleed it, then skinned it for the meat to be prepped for cooking. A small fire was compiled of some pitch and scrapped tree branches and the meat was cooked. A fine meal of venison and berries ensured that he was well fed. Wondering what to do next, Skrauti loaded his pipe with some dry tobacco. A few puffs to bring a moments peace; he always cherished these moments. Several minutes pass before Skrauti realized that he was becoming to relaxed. "Time to get moving again. I highly doubt they caught on to me...I wonder where they are going. Perhaps they know the best route to Ballara." Skrauti took one last drag off of his tobacco pipe before wrapping it up and storing it. "I miss her" he tells himself, holding the tattered piece of cloth that was his wife's shirt; now but a mere casing for consumables. He walked swiftly closer to the pathway that leads to Skagastrond, wanting to avoid leaving a trail behind himself. He watched studiously ahead of the path, making sure he can confirm tracks in the mud. Small hares and foliage dominated the environment around him. "About eight individuals on horseback. Four on foot. One wagon at least. I wonder...perhaps traders. The possibility of a guide being present is high but if they are the wrong individuals, it could be a nasty fight. A difficult one to say the least. I better stay back." The trident doubled as a walking stick, helping Skrauti keep pace. Despite the usual instincts and thoughts that dominated his mind, something didn't feel right. Something ominous pressured Skrauti's body, forwarding his instinct to grip his trident. Seems that his tobacco session did nothing to ease himself. This was a feeling that was undeniable. Skrauti did his best to remain relaxed and alert, half expecting a dire-wolf to spring at him from the brush around him. "Stay focused...you have a duty to fulfill."