[quote=@boomlover] [@Savage] Teleportation, mindtricks, showing the horrors of his mind on his enemies making them gouch there eyes out. You know fun stuff :) [/quote] All things are possible within the realm of magic. Just take care to elaborate on these abilities and do your best to limit them in a way that would ensure they are not deemed overpowered. Keep in mind that characters with magical abilities will be more closely read and criticized by me in order to try and keep everyone from getting too wild. Also, the more powerful your abilities, the harder it will be for your Assassin to control. Teleporting across a small room may not tax his mental state as much, but jumping across a town or several miles will require an intense amount of skill and willpower to achieve without having an unforeseen result. I look forward to seeing what you come up with and offering my advice to help guide you in the direction I am looking for.