[center][h3]Sigurd Oasis Resistance[/h3][/center] Sigurd simply stood patiently outside of the headquarters, leaning against the wall beside the doors, watching the horizon. Despite dire circumstances calling everyone to action and soon to depart for the fortress, based on the noise inside it was rather cheery. Suppose especially during dark times such as this, some light-heartedness was needed most. He silently stood outside waiting for the commander to signal that it was time to go, as it seems most everyone was here. He stood up straight. A curious sight on the horizon, entrance of the village... At first it looked like a Sheikah patrol dragging some kind of monster based on the black heap, but as it got closer, he recognized that this was in fact a person, or at least, shaped like one. As soon as they got close, the person was then identified as a knight, based on the armor. It was black, charred, or corrupted, but one thing stood out, still gold and brilliant was the symbol of Hyrule, if not a little scratched, identifying him as a Hylian knight. Just what did they make those Hylian armors and shields out of...? Sigurd immediately took a battle stance out of habit, grabbing the hilt of his giant blade on his back, ready to bring it out as the black knight struggled, and let out a primal roar. The first intelligible word he spoke was "Ganon", albeit a lot louder and stressed. Ganon... Yes he knew who that was, as did everyone here. The dark lord that caused this chaos and ruin. So his enemy was Ganon as well. Even as the knight simply yelled, even Sigurd felt it, the fury and hatred... At the same time though, he felt a golden light and warmth around his chest... The piece of the triforce was reacting? He spotted a golden glow on the knight's hand... Did this knight have another piece as well? [color=steelblue]"Hold knight! We are not your enemy..."[/color], wherever they found this guy, he seemed to be quite insane. Was it wise to bring him here? Maybe it was... He may have a piece of the Triforce after all. What was with today... One after another, people with a piece of the Triforce showing up... Still. If they could reason with this knight, he may prove a valuable ally in a fight in the future...