How I tend to do these things is to list my characters with a short synopsis of who they are and what type of universes they fit well into, so I'll just do that here! If you'd like a full CS of any of these characters, please ask me in a PM! Before we go into that, a few basic ground rules... 1) you must be 18. Not because ERP is a requirement, but because I have a habit of being graphically detailed with most things, including highly gory details surrounding people dying. Often with dismemberment and other pleasantries. 2) character development is a must! Thats the entire point of this sort of thing, so develop your characters!! 3) u cahnt tipe liek a returd paragraph-ish is an acceptable length. go long if you like! Character list! Males Gai, the scythe; human; 26 YO; 6 Foot even, athletic build. [hider=Gai] Gai was abandoned by his tribe at a young age, because he survived a ritual that should have killed him. The ritual technically succeeded, (he cast a spell that wiped out an army) but because he was the first to ever live after the casting, he was thought cursed and cast out. Gai was taken in by a group of shape shifters that had originally given humans magic, but were now disgusted by the uses they found for it, promptly eradicating his warlike tribe. Gai vowed to never practice 'Redway' magic ever again, and took up a form of wind manipulation magic that allowed him to cast lightning, among a few other tricks. Gai is his acquired name. If he ever runs into his sister in our RP, she will reveal his real name His personality is one of joking insults and an inability to take things seriously outside of conflict. He tends to be somewhat rude as well, and his sheer level of power leaves him with little regard for human life. I don't get to run him very often, mostly because I don't like playing overpowered characters. Originally he was made for an RP that had more to do with fucking with his head, so the fact that he was so strong didn't make much of a difference. If you do want to run with him, keep in mind that the conflict involved probably needs to be emotional/unsolvable by violence to prevent him from just blowing his issues to hell. [/hider] Armand Dupont; Kite; 30 YO; 5 foot 9, slim build. [hider=Armand] [img][/img] Armand is one of the lead instructors at a magic based, demon slaying academy. The idea with him is to take a student, with or without romantic interest, and teach them how to hunt various super natural monsters on the path to killing the thing that's making them appear. His personality leaves him generally relaxed and accepting, but he has little in the way of a sense of humor. [/hider] Roland; Human(sorta); 38 YO; 6 foot 2; heavy athletic build [hider=Roland] [img][/img] Roland leads a force of advanced beings from another plant that have crash landed on earth. Their own race looks near identical to humans, with a few physiological differences under the hood. They take advantage of this fact to hide from a hostile alien force that followed them from their ruined homeworld, to earth, and now wage open war in the streets whenever they can. Roland fears for his people, and will stop at literally nothing to ensure the survival of his people. To stress this point, Roland ordered their capital ship to open fire on the enemy ship that was pursuing them, despite a human shuttle being in the crossfire. This action nearly killed those on board, but it bought them enough time to crash land their ship on earth, under retaliatory fire. His personality is one of little leniency. He has a mission, and he knows all too well what's at stake; the future of his entire race. [/hider] Mitsuwa Merinis; Neko; 17 YO; small build, only 50-60 pounds. [hider=Mitsuwa] Mits, as most call him, is a street urchin. He makes his way by stealing, breaking in to places, and generally being a nuisance to modern society. In his universe, his kind are given basically the same rights as a house pet, meaning that if he were to be caught destroying property, he can be shot with no repercussions to the shooter. If he harms someone, he will be captured and put down. If someone catches him, he can be forced to serve them as if he were their pet. Despite his situation, Mits remains an active thief, and a highly lethal individual to try and capture. He employs his claws and teeth both to mercilessly maul aggressors, and is absolutely always on his toes. In some settings he's older, and more tame. in others, he is younger and even more wired. 15-19 is his age range. Personality: When he's provoked to action, claws, teeth, and tonfa are the order of the day, paired with his signature hyper-violence. Outside of confrontations, his personality is mild, passive, and agreeable. Assuming the human is reasonable, he can form a dependencies complex rather quickly and become a life long friend. He's no smarter than average for his race, but his time on the streets has given him strong critical thinking skills, and superb intuition as to other peoples thoughts and intents. His night vision and sharp nose would make him a perfect military or police companion, while his soft and warm body makes him equally desirable as a cuddling partner. He has next to no sex drive, as per the norm for his race. [/hider] Innis Malla;15 YO; 5 Foot 2; Average build for his age. [hider=Innis Malla] [img][/img] Innis Is the son of a pair of musicians that haven't reached mainstream culture, but still earn enough to live quite comfortably. While not outstandingly talented himself, His parents have been giving him extensive voice training, and have allowed him to make an appearance in a few of their singles as harmony. When not behind a mic, Innis can be found manning the soundboard and occasionally keyboard while his parents perform. Innis's home is among the larger ones in his rural town, with two stories, bright white paint, plenty of land, and a sound insulated recording studio in the basement. The family has lived in their current town for about a year now. The family moved into the countryside for the freedom and atmosphere it provided, as well as keeping their instrumental practice away from complaining neighbors. At first his parents homeschooled him, but eventually relented to the boy's need to be social, and unleashed the hyperactive child on the local school system. Innis is eternally cheerful, a bit flighty, and nearly always smiling. His early exposure to music production translates directly into a joy for song and dance, and he prefers the electronic heavy style of his parents. He has a tendency to daydream, causing some of his school work to suffer, but he does decent enough. His parents are in their mid 30's. [/hider] Makani; Minnow; unknown age; 4 foot; above average tone for his race [Hider=Makani] The Minnow are a somewhat primitive race that largely reside on their home world, which is now a colony world to earth. They're exceptionally talented at stealthy maneuvers, making them excellent hitch-hikers. Due to this, they have spread like wild fire over the civilized worlds, making a foothold on nearly every inhabited space in the galaxy. Fortunately for humans, they're not particularly dangerous. In fact, an infestation of the diminutive creatures can often be a good thing, as the collectivist creatures work to ensure the ship stays in good health for everyone's sake. The race is small, light blue or light grey, with scale-like patterns on their leathery skin, save for their stomach area which is near universally pure white and smooth as wet ice. The amphibious race sports collapsing fins on their humanoid lower legs and forearms, which allow them to swim at obscene speed, and can be used as weapons due to the razor sharp edges they gain when deployed fully. Makani himself doesn't physically stand out too far from the rest of his egg-laying race, but generally has a strong affinity for working alien tech belonging to humans. possible scenarios for RPing with him could be crash landing on his planet prior to colonization, finding him on-board your ship, or simply starting from a station in space that he managed to work his way onto. [/Hider] Females Ava Mazet; human; 18 YO; 5 foot 5; slim but toned build [hider=Ava] Striking red hair, dark green eyes, and pale skin that shows an apparent fear of the sun blend nicely with her modern variation on her clans outfit; a tunic with a belt that resembles a dress, plus light fishnet sleeves and black stockings ending only few inches into the bottom of her open outfit. Her cheeks harbor no freckles, and just as few skin flaws in general over the rest of her light build, with not even a tan line to mark her perfect smooth skin. The insides of her hands have formed callouses from constant, unrelenting practice with swords, but otherwise it was quite clear how she intended to off people. cute, helpless, and non-threatening is the look she's fostered for herself, and it's proven fairly effective in the small jobs she's taken up to this point. The young woman already has blood on her hands, but it's obvious she wouldn't stand a chance in an outright fight as she lacks the physical fortitude, endurance, and indeed the simple talent to fight in an outright brawl. Her sword is her bread and butter. Her throwing spikes are a nice dash of garlic. Ava is an inexperienced assassin. Most of the time, due to her lack of experience, she is assigned to tag along with another person to learn the ropes. She's remarkably lethal in the first few seconds of CQC with her short sword, but lacks in thrown weapons. She makes up for this by carrying an abundance of throwing spikes, and often packs a grenade as well. She's unreasonably good at certain scientific studies, particularly those that involve plant life, to the point of being responsible for breeding the plants they derive their poisons from. She's light for her average height, and oddly flexible as well. As a student, she has quite a bit of untapped potential available, but so far no one has managed to actually figure out how to teach the little brat. She's brash, high energy, and generally all kinds of difficult. Personality: Ava is loud and excited around people she knows, quiet and passive around those she doesn't. She gets sick in moving vehicles, and doesn't like to be seen in public. Due to this, and the fact that she is indeed an assassin, she tends to get around mostly at night, on roof tops. With that being said, she has various normal friends that she thinks she's fooled into believing she's just a normal girl, but most of them actually do know what she is due to her absentmindedly leaving weapons around, and doing a poor job of mixing up work stories to make them sound more normal. She's a rather modernized person, used to having her phone and laptop available to her. This has caused a few interesting scenarios to pop up in her generally unpowered abode on her clans grounds while trying to get more power in her rather flammable home. If only she was as good at small scale generators as she was at growing plants. [/hider] Cybele Petit; human; 28 YO; 5 foot 8; heavily toned body. [hider=Cybele] [img][/img] Cybele lives and works in space in her family's salvage flotilla. Currently she is away from the fleet in search of a man to bring home. This proved to be incredibly difficult to accomplish, however, due to the fact that she is borderline psychotic. she's unusually violent and calloused to death and gore, more than willing to initiate violence, and generally couldn't give a damn less about people that don't bear her fleets mark. She carries a temper paralleled by none, that can only be quelled by avoiding it or with carefully placed words. Though this isn't entirely fair to the character. She has become this way increasingly as her frustrations mount. She's started to view herself as a failure, especially after her fiance bombed her wedding. Poor girl has had a hard run... General idea is that she comes from a salvage flotilla that operates independently of any nation of governing body. The people that run the 5 ship group are all related due to the function of their genetic mods, which prompts a unique tradition. The females are given the option to depart the fleet around 16-17 and try to find a lifelong mate. This allows safe reproduction, and eliminates the threat of inbreeding, which is expressly forbidden, and punishable by airlock into the void. another common practice is for the women of the fleet to stage 'siren ops', where they basically flood a friendly ship with their own crew and attempt to seduce the friendly crew, and convince them to defect. Naturally, this can be a point of contention with allies to the Floatilla There have been some modifications to their genes at the outset to cause some traits to be dominant, all but forcing them to show up in offspring. These include blue hair (their 'fleet mark'), resistance to genetic defects (many genes modded to achieve this) a tendency to have light but lean muscle, above average intelligence, and limited physical height, keeping them inside the range their fleet's facilities are spec'd for (roughly 5 foot tall). There are of course some outliers, depending on the ship's genetic set. The backlash is a shortened life span of around 60 years, and depending on the ship, other traits ranging from dependency on regiment, to unusual willingness to commit violence. Cybele has the latter, as she belongs to a ship called "luminosity" which is their main battle ship. it's responsible for the housing of the vast majority of their combat personnel, and alone contributes a third of the 5 ship fleet's raw firepower. Cybele was a door kicker, responsible for securing salvage targets prior to the infiltration of data teams, and guarding the ship during the stripping process. OR! If you feel like doing a harem or something of the like, I have drawn up personalities for the other 4 members of her strike team. At this point, they're all fairly detailed and varied, and many stories have come out of their adventures on the ships they inhabit. Their universe is a detailed one that I've been working with for quite some time by now. [/hider] Tomika Marias; Human; 17 YO; 5 foot 5; slim body. [hider=Tomika] [img][/img] Tomika was born to a poor family. Her mother was forced, after Tomika's birth, to divorce her abusive husband to protect her child. a restraining order was filed, and the family moved away, where her mother found and married a man not even a year later, gaining a new little sister, Tamber, in the process. The love proved to be a lasting one, however, and the family was well off. Tomika attended a religious female only school during this time, until a massive deposit of natural gas was discovered under the husbands inherited land. The family was suddenly rich upon selling the land, and quickly moved to California, where they enrolled their daughters in the most expensive private school available. Tomika now spends her time trying to learn how to use all the new gadgets she never had access to before now, practicing her life's ambition, fencing, and acting super awkward around boys her age. Personality: Tomika is upbeat and fun to be around. She enjoys loud, heavy music, and frequently blasts her roommates awake with it. Her living space is often a pulsating deathtrap of whirling chaos. Her attire doesn't reflect this, however, and she tends to dress well; usually covering herself much more than other girls her age. She also has a sister, who I would be willing to play. Basically she is the less favored, younger, red headed step child who's rebellious nature causes tons of trouble for the family. she attends the same school as Tomika, and is a common sight as a side character in RPs where I main Tomika (and vice versa) [/hider] Raven Mercier; Human; 21 YO; 5 foot; slim, athletic build [hider=Raven] Jet black hair, pale smooth skin, and dressed to her apparent love for the color green, complemented with a simple red cap. In the field, she sports her typical green with her skirt swapped out for a pair of heavy nylon protective pants, and black combat boots, to protect her soft skin from flora. On her remarkably compact ship, her gear gives way to a simple set of white and grey pajamas, or simply running around in her underclothes. Her clothing varies in social settings, but it's common to see her in a striking neon green skirt and matching top. The skirt is rather short, but this setup isn't the most revealing thing she can be found in, only the most common. Her hair stays up almost without exception. She has a pair of buns wrapped in green fabric, which is complimented by matching streamers that reach down to her shoulders. Her hair is dark as tar, yet healthily reflective. She stands at an even 5 foot, with a slim, athletic build. It seems that her pristine skin is a result of extensive personal care, rather than an unwillingness to get her hands dirty. Looking close enough, one could possibly notice a variety of thin, short scars marking much of her body, as well as what a trained eye would identify as scars from second degree burns on both of her lower legs, 6 inches below both knees. the pale scar tissue is, however, exceedingly difficult to see on her own very pale skin. this doesn't stop her from wearing high socks or stockings to cover her burns, though. Raven was born and raised on an military installation to a pair of soldiers. Her home life consisted largely of having to tend to their apartment's upkeep herself, to include cooking, and cleaning of the house as well as most of the families cloths. Initially she despised her workload, as any child would, but as she aged it became a thing of habit and routine. Eventually she would even begin stripping and cleaning weapons, and received her own lime green hand gun shortly after. One of her few personal belongings. Her home, which was living off of the wages of enlisted soldiers, had few frills and methods of entertainment. She was fortunate enough to have internet access in her home, however, due to the requirement that her family be able to access military internet services. One of her parents eventually gained officer status, allowing her to live a more comfortable life, and either funds her small ship or her education. In her spare time, she set off from her apartment to learn from a doctor who was working in the medical bay down the hall from her. She became able to stop bloodloss, provide excellent first responder care, short term medical treatment, and even learned some very basic surgical techniques. Raven intends to join the military, either as a medic, or as an officer. This means that she can be run in a school setting, where she tries to obtain a degree so she can join as an officer, or simply as a front line combat medic. More tame settings can be used too, of course. She's rather versatile. [/hider] If any of these characters interest you, drop me a line or post here, and we'll figure out a setting and get the ball rolling!