Cole had decided to not go with Vladimir that day. He felt bad for not trying to make friends early, but he sensed that the vibe wasn't good between them from the start. However, he felt he could salvage something at the picnic on sunday. Today was the day. The pre school picnics were always quite fun, but Cole never really got into them. As much as he found them fun, he could never force himself to join in with the other kids. Cole sat in his room staring at the wall. It was a beautiful day, and Cole knew how hot it would be. In this case, he decided to wear sports shorts and a normal t-shirt, because he would probably join in with the football and soccer if he was given the chance. He sighed as he fixed his hair in the mirror. He missed the rink. The slicing of the skate blades on the ice was magical for him, but it wasn't to return for another week. He stared longingly at his skates through the reflection in the mirror, before giving his hair a final fix and leaving his room, nodding at Vlad on the way out. He knew exactly where he was going. He made his way through a number of corridors before coming to his desired door. He knocked twice and waited. Nothing. He knocked again. "Acacia, it's Cole... do.... you need any help setting up?" He didnt even know whether she had returned to her room for some reason, or was at the picnic already. But he thought he'd offer anyway. He knocked again. "You there?" He sighed. Probably not. He turned and started to shuffle away.