[center] [h3][i][color=darkorchid]Eris "Valkeyr" Reinhardt[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://imgur.com/wQwMjwu.png[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/lE6nYUAQAeo][b]BGM[/b][/url] [/center] Eris woke up to find that pretty much everyone around her was already awake, though she had no business with them as of now. Seeing that Cassandra was safe and sound was enough for Eris to feel at ease, though she didn't felt like congregating with most of these persons, thus leaving at once was the best measure, except for one thing. [color=darkorchid]"Aaron Fletcher, right?"[/color] Eris said as she passed by Aaron, throwing a long glace at the crowbar he had hidden on his coat the whole time, before placing a slip of paper with her current address and contact info on his back pocket so that no one else could see. [color=darkorchid]"It seems we have many things in common, not just on Deep Ground, but here as well."[/color] Just as Eris walked away, Aaron would see the friend invitation Nix sent to Eclipse Princess being accepted. [color=darkorchid]"Cassandra O'Shera, it's good to see that you are well. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt. However, I must retire for the evening, the battle left me exhausted. By the way, I lost to Stark Zealot, but it was an awesome battle, I can barely wait for a rematch."[/color] Eris said as she exited the hospital room without addressing anyone else, intent on going to her hotel room and get some much needed rest, however, just as she left the hospital and boarded a taxi, a message from her personal informant, a Cobalt Bruiser rogue by the name of [url=http://i.imgur.com/gBVJ4dl.jpg]Wild Tiger[/url] reached Eris, the contents of which were on a pay on delivery setting, for a high price in both EXP and real money. Resources being one of the things Eris never had to worry about, she simply opened the message, to find a screen shot of the walls of the Black city and a report on the Sweepers activities. [color=darkorchid]”Those damn bastards, Cassandra is absolutely off-limits!”[/color] Eris snarled out of the blue, jump scaring the taxi driver, who quickly got back to his job once he noticed nothing out of the order was happening and Eris excused herself. Following that Eris took the time to send a message to all the Sweepers she knew of as well as Moon Rider, who she owed loyalty to, but this was going off the bounds. [quote] [b]From:[/b] [color=darkorchid]Eris Reinhardt (Eclipse Princess). [/color] [b]To:[/b] [color=darkorchid]Arms Slave, Paper Moon, Moon Rider, …., etc. [/color] [b]Subject:[/b] [color=darkorchid]You have stepped of your bounds. [/color] [b]Attachment:[/b] [color=darkorchid]Screen Shot 001. [/color] [color=darkorchid]You have stepped off your bounds, Sweeper scum, Cassandra O’Shera has nothing to do with my actions, dare touch a strand of her hair and you’ll wish you have never been born. You’ve earned my eternal enmity for that, this is a decision you’ll regret having made. For those who believe your cause is a noble one, there’s still time to reconsider, or are you saying to me that your have the guts to kill a innocent school girl with your own hands and or congregate with her killers? I’ve sent you this message as well, Moon Rider, so that you can know the kind scum you have admitted on your ranks. These self-appointed “heroes” do illegal actions in game in order to harm innocent people, in real life, for their completely legal, if only tasteless, actions in a game. You should take care of your back as well, I’m sure there must be a threat more dangerous than Corpse Collector’s guns pointed at you right now. Signed, Eris Reinhardt, heiress of the Black Foxes Private Security Company.[/color] [hr] [center][@Jedly][@ReaptheMusic][@Caits][@Mega Birb][@Lucius Cypher][@TheWindel][@McFazzer][/center]