Noreene was looking at the items in the box. She found the small crystal ball that she used when Granny was alive. She smiled as she gazed into the ball. "Oh Granny.... if you can hear me, please show yourself." Noreene spoke. "Yes, child? How are you doing? Have you mastered many visions yet?" came a soft voice that sounded far away. "No, I have not Granny. Father just gave my the boxes and that was because of his friend needs help. What shall I do?"" Noreene asked as she gazed into the ball. "You help the man, of course. Let me talk to that son of mine....." came that voice. "Yes, Mother?" Sean spoke softly. "Why did you not give Noreene her boxes on her tenth birthday?" came the voice. "She did not have any need for the boxes, Mother.' Sean spoke quietly. "I see.... Let her keep the boxes and allow her to have her own wagon. She should be responsible for her own ways now," came the voice. "Yes, Mother. Is there any other messages?" Sean asked. "No child of mine. Not at this time. But I must soon go.'"the voice spoke softly. "Noreene, my little one. Use this gift for the greater good. DO not ask for money but if you were given a gift for an insight of your gift, it is allowed. Read the Journal that I left for you. You will do will trust me. I must now go, my little love." the voice faded out. Noreene laid the crystal ball in her lap and simply gazed at it.