[color=ff0000][b]“Stop here!”[/b][/color] commanded Harley, the joy of flight still very much evident in her voice. Truth be told, Dick was still riding the wave of excitement somewhat himself. Doing tricks on a motorbike was a very different thrill to acrobatics, somehow more visceral but less satisfying. A bit like stuffing yourself full of junk food compared to a finely cooked meal; both left you full but the experiences were very different. Now and then, however, a guy just needed some junk. Having her along for the ride had been an excuse and, to hear her ecstatic screams, an added bonus. He brought the bike to a gentle halt so she could jump off and started looking for a place to put it. He liked to leave the bike mostly out of sight, even if it did have security measures and armour. Any sufficiently determined delinquent with access to a molotov cocktail (or something stronger) could still do some serious damage to it and probably would, too. The vehicles of Gotham's guardians were not exactly popular sights in district where the mob provided a significant percentage of the jobs and almost all the entertainment. Dick was stopped from looking around by Harley draping herself across the handlebars. Her expression was hard to read, part excited, part wary. Before he could say anything, she leaned in to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek. Not much to his surprise, she moved her lips to meet his, making it less innocent. Before he could respond again, she span away with a wink and a saucy swing of her hips, readying her chosen weapon and leaving Dick with a semi-confused grin and a slight lipstick mark on his cheek. [color=ff0000][b]“Ya don't need to say anythin Bird-brain, I think you've showed me enough already.. I gotta hand it to ya, that's gotta be the best motorin experience I think I've ever had.. Not like your head was in the.. game or anything, but ya know.. the engine really kicks, so sometimes it kinda felt like it.."[/b][/color] He opened his mouth to respond but she cut him off. [b][color=ff0000]"Dun look at me like that, I ain't some floozy.. I was talkin about the engine weirdo.. Feels nice to kick back and break the rules a bit though don't it? Ya coulda killed me.. but ya don't see my complainin.. do ya's?”[/color][/b] As Harley sauntered away, Dick rolled the bike into a side-alley and behind some dumpsters before hurrying back to catch up with her. She explained her plan, though that might be giving it airs and graces, to him and clearly stated in no uncertain terms that he was to trust her judgement and not play hero. Not even if she seemed to be in real danger, not unless she screamed blue bloody murder. [i]Not exactly a good sign...[/i] he thought but kept it to himself. [i][color=dodgerblue]"Alright Harley, I'll sit tight until you call for me or you scream. Or both. Don't make me regret it, okay? I'd hate for our partnership to end here."[/color][/i]