Macy rose from her seat and collected her empty mug and the few dishes that were scattered around the room. "Well...if you change your mind there's bagels in the breadbox and cream cheese in the fridge. Help yourself." She put the dishes in the sink and rinsed them off before turning around to look at her guests, leaning back against the counter as she did so. Tim was still sleeping, but she had a gut feeling he would wake up soon. He had been still all night, and was just now starting to stir. Brian was still sitting in the chair she had offered him during the night, and part of Macy still couldn't believe she hadn't recognized him before. But it wasn't really surprising, all things considered. He had shaved his head and wore a beard now. It had also been about twelve years since she had last seen Brian Parr, or anyone in his family. Their families had lived next door to each other since before she had been born and until the summer she and Val turned fourteen when the Keens moved from Haye to Florida. She had also been closer to the youngest Parr, John, than either of his siblings, who had been older, cooler, and a little intimidating. But Macy and her sister had spent many hours throughout their Haye years at the Parr house with John. After school ours and weekends had been spent running around the backyard, playing on bicycles, hanging out in John's bedroom playing games, going to birthday parties and holidays, and just being kids. Brian and the rest of his family had always been around, and of all the families in Haye the Keens had been closest with the Parrs. Val had had a crush on John's cool older brother, and maybe Macy had, as well. Another life ago, at least. They had obviously both changed, since they were both sitting here. Macy was less surprised that Brian hadn't seemed to recognize her, since the Macy Keen he had known had been a sun tanned brunette and not an ivory skinned platinum haired zombie lookalike. A part of her couldn't believe he remembered her at all, since she had just been his younger brother's friend. She couldn't tell if he had been surprised or shocked by how her physical appearance had been transformed by her Emergence. She adverted her gaze for a moment, fixing her eyes on the photograph of Val and her that was propped on a table. "Look, uh, Brian... I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone that would remember me that I'm back in town." Macy shrugged her shoulders. "No one seems to remember me or my family, and even if they do they don't recognize me. I'm getting away with my appearance because people think I'm really committed to the goth aesthetic. But if someone who used to know me knew... I just don't want to have to pack up and move. So...please?" Tim made a half asleep noise and stretched his arms. His head raised from the pillow she had tucked under it during the night and Macy met his bleary eyes. She had bandaged his nose overnight, but she could still see that it was swollen. could have been worse. "We should take him home," she said tiredly, the fatigue of an all nighter starting to hit. She could hear movement from the apartments above and beside her, which meant the sun had to be at least rising. [@HeySeuss]