[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/9d88ab57be23652e2264645aebb689f7/tumblr_nd1u9ilftU1rfp1lho1_1280.gif[/img] [color=darkgray][sub][i]I saw the future in a [b]dream[/b] last night. There’s nothing in it. [/i][/sub] [hr] [h3][i]dreamsArewatching[/i][/h3] [/color] [/center] [hr] [color=darkgray][indent] [RIGHT][i]“I've always been an ironic [b]dreamer[/b], [b]unfaithful[/b] to my inner promises. Like a complete [b]outsider[/b], a casual observer of whom I thought I was, I've always enjoyed watching my day[b]dream[/b]s go down in defeat. I was never convinced of what I believed in. I filled my hands with sand, called it gold, and opened them up to let it slide through. Words were my only truth. When the right words were said, all was done; the rest was the sand that had [b]always[/b] been.” ~ Fernando Pessoa[/i][/Right] [b]Documents recovered from _______ Police Department Journal Entry 6/22/20XX[/b] [i]You know ever since I was kid, I grew up on stories about Camp Ulysses. It's like.... I don't fucking know a permanent fixture of the town or whatever? Mrs. Milner would tell us it has been "Ingrained in the cultural foundation of our fair town", whatever that means. I guess it's kind of hard not to think about I mean you can see it right from almost anywhere up on top of the Mountain, the old Radar Tower sticking up over the edge watching over everything like some sort of watchmen or something. Honestly it just plain old gives me the creeps thinking about it. A lone little outpost set up atop a mountain, the men and women that used to work there just watching the skies for any sign of incoming death by way of nuclear payload. Well of course it doesn't do that anymore, when they started downsizing everything well we didn't really have much fear of angry Russians coming to bomb us anymore so Camp Ulyssess just sort of became a ghost town. Everything's still there mostly tended to by the ghosts of the past and protected by a big old fuck off fence with barbed wire atop of it and lots of signs telling you that entering the Camp is forbidden under federal law and that you'll go to prison for like a very long time. Only problem is no cop wants to go climb a mountain looking for some hooligan rummaging around in the rundown ruins of the United States' military industrial complex. Guess that's why the whole tradition thing happened you know? It's pretty stupid and all but you know it's something we all just gotta do. They call it the 'big party' every year the Seniors from the high school are supposed to go up there and throw a big old party among the ruins on the first day after classes are over. I don't know something poetic about and all so in fifty years or whatever we can all talk about it and remissness about our crazy younger years. My Dad still talks about it all the time with his buddies, but then again my Dad isn't the most exciting person in the world still teaching Chemistry at the same High School he went to and talking to all his old friends that never found a way out of town. God I'd rather walk into the bay than end up like that. So yeah we are supposed to go up to the top of some mountain and have a party among the haunted ruins of Cold War observation post. Oh yeah it is supposedly 'haunted'. I probably forgot to mention that didn't I? Yeah apparently it's something to do with the radios at the camp reacting with the old transceiver at the top of the lighthouse out on the bay and causing you to be able to hear some weird things in between all the static. A group of television paranormal investigators even 'investigated' the place for some show called Ghost Watch or something, and while they did call it totally creepy it seemed they weren't lucky enough to pick up any spooky voices from beyond the grave. Personally I think it's a lot of BS you know? Some kid got high during one of the parties once and started hearing things that weren't there or whatever. But anyway we aren't going there for that, I guess. We go there because its tradition or whatever to get drunk and maybe get a little bit lucky and more importantly to say goodbye. One last big hurrah before we all separate upon the four winds and never talk to one another ever again. Yeah ain't that a depressing though. Anyway it's supposed to be this weekend so let's see what happens.[/i] [b]News Report Transcript 6/26/20XX[/b] [i]Welcome back to Channel 12 Local News, we are still in the middle of a developing story. A group of teenagers from ___________ are still missing after two whole days of searching by local police. Reports say that students were attending a party among the ruins of Camp Ulysses, a now defunct Military Observation Post when a large freak storm hit the area. When the children failed to report the next day, parents and search and rescue desperately climbed _____ Mountain to locate their children but too there dismay found no signs of them.. If you have any formation please call.......[/i] [b]Radio Transmission received at ____ Lighthouse.[/b] [i].-. / ..- / -. / .-.-.- / .-. / ..- / -. / .-.-.- / .-. / ..- / -. / .-.-.- / -.. / --- / -. / --- / - / -.-. / --- / -- / . / .-.-.-[/i] [i].. / .----. / -- / ... / -.-. / .- / .-. / . / -.. / ... / -.-. / .- / .-. / . / -.. / ... / -.-. / .- / .-. / . / -.. / ... / -.-. / .- / .-. / . / -.. / ... / -.-. / .- / .-. / . / -..[/i] [/indent][/color] [hr] [indent] [i]Welcome ladies and gents to dreamsArewatching an odd little mystery yarn that I've established for you to come and unravel if you so very much desire. Inspired by the likes of Serial Experiment Lain, Life is Strange, Oxenfree and other strange little contemporary mysteries dreamsAreWatching is a strange little tale about a Mountain, a lighthouse, a radio and some teens in way over their heads. It's a tale about strange government doings, dreams and branching realities. And at the heart of it all it is a tale about one thing that everyone is notoriously bad at especially teenagers... learning to let go. While the mystery is the fundamental engine that keeps everything moving much of the story is about player interaction with a world whose reality is breaking and with one another as you take on the role of the teenagers facing off against the great unknown. Maybe there is a happy ending or in the end it was all for nothing. I don't really know yet, that's for you to decide. So if you are in the mood for something a little different, a little mystery and lots and lots of strangeness well why don't you come and say hi? [/i][/indent]