[@Krot] [i]How many officers went missing each day in this crime riddled crapsack? Enough so that one extra wouldn't be out of the ordinary. One Officer James Blackwood, whom Donny had yanked right off a street corner and into the back of the Pinto on the way to Home Depot. The next stop would be the Gotham Public Library. Information, eh? Last of all the bunker. A maintenance room in the basement of an abandoned high school, set for demolition in nine weeks. As Spider and Donny went about the errands, the killer began tossing new and nasty ideas towards his partner. It appeared that Donny was making everything up as he went along, and he seemed to be good at it. He knew perfectly how to abuse the fundamentals of human instinct and morality, almost like cheating. The way he rattled off each deadfall in that droning, nosey drawl was reminiscent of a bored but experienced Walmart employee who could tell at a glance how to quickly satisfy each customer, as had been done the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that...[/i]