[h1]Drosil Maeneld[/h1] Drosil had been walking the corridors, feeling much better after getting some good rest, though he feels somewhat disheartened that he'd missed the battle from before. The summoner couldn't help but feel that he'd yet to truly prove himself as anything more than a nuisance and a danger to those around him with his antics. He was finding it difficult to come up with good reasons to stay here instead of just moving on as he usually did cause while he'd had a good adventure, he just didn't feel that he had enough of a stake in this conflict to justify his presence here. Besides, he doubted he could do much good around here, and he still had many ruins to explore while he still had the chance to do so. As these thoughts and more ran through his mind, Drosil went stock still as a cry carved itself through the air, soon followed by more panicked cries as some commotion seemed to be going on throughout the entirety of the castle. Readying his staff, he sensed his attackers before they struck, having developed a sense of figures in the shadows due to numerous attempts on his life by nobles in the past. The first figure came at him with a knife in a savage rush, but before he got close, he'd find himself sent flying backwards as the shadows that he hid in seemed to come alive, swatting the figure away like a fly. Drosil stood stock still, his eyes rolled into his head as he let out a low chant, each word causing the shadow to gain more form a definition, gaining a [url=https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny_content/grimoire/hr_images/701190_b6ece7907f4f1987f3dda24d21eb8ef2.jpg]vaguely humanoid shape[/url] to them as it rose, a soft whispering echoing through the halls as the Shadow elemental spoke it's native tongue. While the sight of this creature would be rather intimidating to most mortal men, these ones didn't seem particularly phased, just charging for all the saw in an attempt to slay the creature, or pass by it to attack it's summoner, who was whispering to himself still. Obviously, he'd make an easy target, since the summons wouldn't be able to stop them all. A poor judgment on their part, underestimating the power of the shadows. The first one to try and pass the creature would suddenly find a claw slashing though their throat, soon followed by a savage kick that would she them flying as the creature deftly launched itself off of him, caving in their chest with the force of the strike as it pummeled into another one, ripping out the other man's throat immediately upon impact. The creature then suddenly appeared infront of another figure that was attempting to stab Drosil, grabbing both arms and breaking them with the force of it's grip, before launching a savage kick with it's leg, sending the body flying and causing the arms to be ripped off ass well. These hands would be used to pummel the other attackers, coating the hallway in blood and gore as the assassins found themselves overwhelmed by the otherworldly speed and strength of this creature. Even when they rose again to charge forward, the creature simply decided to take away their means of motion, ripping off limbs and smashing heads without hesitation until their was no one left. Needless to say, this hallway was home to a rather horrific display, as parts of bodies were littered everywhere, all of them twitching and squirming as they tried to complete their final directive. Once all of the threats had been neutralized, the creature faded back into the shadows it had been birthed from and Drosil instantly fell to the floor, feeling rather tired and sickened by the strain of this particular summon and the mess that it had left behind. [i]I've seen my fair share of monsters, but even this leaves me feeling rather perturbed. . . still, I can't help wondering if I could get a chance to study the magic that afflicts these men. Dark and gruesome it may be, I have no doubt that such magic could possibly be turned towards a better cause.[/i] After making his way from the gore-laden area, the mage tiredly made his way through the castle, finding many a fallen corpse of those less fortunate then him when facing these cruel mockeries of life. His staff held at the ready , Drosil looked into each and every corner, waiting to see where he nest threat would come from. It turns out that the wait wouldn't be long, as two servants suddenly came screaming from a nearby hall, one clinging to her bloodied arm as it hand limply from her side, followed closely by two more men, one who's head hung lopsidedly from his neck by a few pieces of torn tissue and the other having what looked like a spear impaling him through his middle. As the servants ran past, Drosil stood resolute, speaking a few words as he conjured something from the world into his hand. Seeing this, the two assassins quickly closed in, attempting to stop him from casting his spell. Drosil was only able to summon one item, a medium-sized glowing seed with the sharpness of a dagger to it's edges, which he quickly launched at the nearly-beheaded one, the seed finding purchase in his flesh and quickly letting out a pulse of magical energy, before the seed suddenly began to sprout into a mess of rapidly growing vines. Within seconds, the man was trapped in the mess of vines, held spread eagle above the ground as he struggled to no avail. The other one, however, had avoid the grasping vines and rushed at Drosil with his blade, the mage being barely able to bring up his staff in time to block the strike. The blow nearly drove him to his kness, however, as he had yet to fully recover from his previous ordeal, not to mention that he was suffering quite a bit of exhaustion from keeping that Shadow Elemental in check earlier. The entire time it had been there, he was keeping it from trying to rush through the castle and killing everyone inside of it. And now he couldn't even switch off with Shadar, as he had to put all of his focus into fending off the assassin's blade, something which was getting harder and harder to do as the fight continued. They had two more clashes before the staff was sent flying out of his hands after a particularly viscous slash from the monstrosity, also succeeding in landing a cut across his arm. The pain burned through him like fire, but he didn't have time to focus on it or even cry out, as he was quick to duck out of the way of a following swipe. [i]Shit, the one day I don't have my pistol on me, fucking immortal assassins have to show up. . . not that the pistol would do me good right now.[/i] Drosil breath came it short huffs, his legs shaking from exertion as his body began to fail, his vision fading in and out as he tried and failed top run away.[i]Dammit . . . that summoning took more out of me than I thought.[/i] As Drosil tried to pick himself back up, he suddenly felt a burst of pain pass through his body, followed only by a numbing cold that spread throughout his limbs. All he had time to do was look down at belly to see the blade sticking out of it, only for the weapon to quickly be withdrawn. He tried to speak, but all the came out were gobs of blood before the man fell to his side, seemingly doomed to bleed out in this hallway this night. The assassin raised his blade, preparing to finish the dying mage and continue on it's way, only for it too notice something strange. Why was the mage smiling in death . . . and were their eyes always such a hypnotic shade of purple? Suddenly, tendril of shadow wrapped around the assassin's neck, pulling it backwards against the wall, soon followed by a multitude of others as the immortal was soon immobilized by the mass of shadowy flesh, unable to move a solitary muscle as the mage's body was lifted up and enclosed by similar shadows, coating it in a type of armor, with a large amount of the shadows centering over the stab wound, melding with the flesh and slowly knitting it back together, leaving a scar as black as pitch behind as a reminder of the night. The mage walked up to the assassin, with a strangely sultry swing in his hips as he caressed the assassin's face, the smile on it's face being one of bemusement and intrigue. [color=Darkorchid]"Well now. . . aren't you an interesting piece of work. I'm sure Drosil will love to get his claws into you later, but sadly, you'll be this child's plaything for awhile. Good thing there are a lot of you around, or else poor Drosil would be oh so cross."[/color] The mage voice carried a strange lilt to it, a sense of duality that echoed in the mind, leaving one feeling as if they were talking to do people at once, one being dominating and seductive, the other being pained and weak. If the assassin was capable of understanding the scene before him, he'd find this change in demeanor most disturbing. [color=Darkorchid]" . . .That being said, he does get so cute when he's upset. Makes me want to eat the little darling up. Oh, why must he play such coy games with me all the time."[/color] The mage turned away with a huff, holding his shoulders tightly as a frustrated tone crept into it's voice. . . and then the assassin was gone, dragged off into the depths of the shadow realm the tendrils had come from, to be the 'child's' plaything, while the mage tapped their chin, wondering what they should do now. [color=Darkorchid]"Drosil won't be conscious for a little while, poor dear fainted from the pain of getting stabbed, so I guess I'll just have to walk around in his body for a bit. *Sigh* I was hoping to get a chance to speak with him soon, but oh well, I guess our reunion will have to wait. But while I'm here, might as well make some mischief, maybe get to know that scrumptious Queen he's been eyeing. Or perhaps her equally appetizing brother and sister? The roguish pirate, the stone faced veteran, the innocent prophet and her mysterious companion/possible lover? That one prideful scorpion woman? Maybe even that adorable wolf girl?"[/color] As the mage spoke, a noticeable shiver enter their frame, their eyes taking on far off look as a multitude of fantasies past through their mind. Licking their lips, they quickly set off in a random direction, hoping that it would lead them to one of Drosil's companions. [color=Darkorchid]"Mmmmm, so many delectable choices, I can barely contain myself. I guess I'll just have to let luck be my guide when it comes to who I meet."[/color] With that though, a low chuckle came from their throat, and from behind them, the shadows responded, the blackness thickening as a multitude of nightmarish beings seemed to claw and stretch the fabric between this world and theirs, eager to breakthrough and wreak havoc, but they soon retreated as the mage waved a hand and gave a command in a commanding whisper. Once the children had quieted down, they continued to make their way through the castle, almost skipping with joy at the chance to wreak some havoc upon the next poor fools to beset them.