Just deployed an effort to fix the visitor-message notification system so that you get notified when anyone replies to a VM thread that you've engaged in on any profile. For example, if NuttsnBolts and Mahz reply to Hank's VM on Fozbert's profile, then if someone adds another reply to that VM, {Hank, NuttsnBolts, Mahz, Fozbert} all receive a notification. Not sure why I never implemented that. Let me know if it doesn't work like that, still. :lol [@NuttsnBolts] Agreed, it's terrible UI. I'll make an issue for it. When you click the PMs button because it has a (3) on it, you just get dumped into the convo list and have to figure out which 3 convos are new. I could fix this by highlighting the convos that have unread PMs, and also by highlighting the folders that contain those convos. Issue: https://github.com/danneu/guild/issues/140