"Fuckin' scrubs..." Oliver chuckled in reply to Sanguine's remarks on their enemy's lack of competence. Then Sir Bartholmew approached, remarking on their abilities, and classifying them based on some sort of arbitrary metal-based system. He was pretty sure they ranked more along the mithril side of things, but wasn't going to argue with someone about something he didn't fully comprehend. Instead, he listened as the Guild Master got them referred to the adventurer's guild, and then refused a reward. Ten gold pieces wasn't much considering their coffers, but he wasn't sure why they were refusing it. Then she suggested that they would take care of the bodies, rather than leaving the villagers to deal with the carcasses of their vanquished assailants. That seemed strange, but then he remembered she could raise the dead. He half expected the vampire to just command all of the bodies to disappear, but supposed that such necromancy still probably wasn't the best idea. Then again, if no one was looking, it couldn't hurt. He wasn't going to tell the woman in charge how to do her job, though, and instead, let her take the lead. He nodded along as she voiced her ideas, and didn't see any harm in any of the things she was suggesting. He didn't get chance to respond properly, though, as Daniƫlle rushed over to apologize. "I've got nothing else to do here." the Paladin agreed when his companion looked at him like she wanted to know if he had anything else he wanted to do. Having not seen any trace of a greenskin menace, and having successfully slaughtered all of the other threats to the village, he figured it was time to head back and get cleaned up and do some relaxing. Maybe they could even find out what was actually going on, and prepare for their next move. "Lead the way." he figured that the Guild Master would want to anyway...