For your consideration. I'm quite proud of him. [hider=Daixanos "Dax" the Argonian] [center][h3]Name[/h3][/center] [center][sup][sup][h3]Male Argonian | 29 | Warrior Sign[/h3][/sup][/sup][/center] [sub][h2]Basic Information[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][h r][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent][b]Birthplace[/b]: Gideon, Black Marsh [b]Appearance[/b]: Daixanos is fit and powerfully built for an argonian. His sleek form is curved with cabled muscles. Various spikes and frills frame his long snouted face. The Argonian's skin is ruddy and blood colored, giving him a fierce appearance. He wears Iron armor and iron guantlets, along with sturdy leather breeches and traveling shoes. He tends not to wear a helmet, for it feels unnatural to him and might impede his vision with his bow. [img]|268:268&composite-to=*,*|268:268&background-color=black[/img] [b]Background[/b]: Born within Black Marsh at the base of a Hist Tree as the rest of his kin, his family hailed from Gideon. Dax's parents were tanners, and as the Argonian grew up he would often help around the shop, learning his father's trade. By age 12, want for skins was becoming high, so his father decided to moonlight as a hunter as well, bringing his son along to learn the trade. By age 16, it was clear that Dax was a natural at hunting, his archery and tracking skills were now surpassing those of his father. He decided to set out on his own, having never left the greater Gideon area before. He traveled northward towards Stormhold to ply his trade. Skreexil the merchant decided to hire him as one of his hunters, giving Daixanos capital for how much the items his kills provided sold for. It was a smooth business for several years until a sizeable Dunmer incursion from the north not only threatened his business but his life. The Argonians of the North gathered around the Hist trees and drank the sap once more, receiving visions and dreams of fighting back against the invaders, boosting their morale and giving them a sense of purpose for the coming conflict. Daixanos was filled with national loyalty and pride, and together with his fellow Argonians, joined in a successful guerrilla war against the Dunmer forces, even pushing a bit into southern Morrowind before retreating. By the time the skirmishes were done, Dax was 23 years old and found himself victorious but restless. He decided to travel north east, into the nations of the Landstriders, hunting the local fauna and taking up the occasional bounty for criminals as well. He worked his way up through northern Cyrodiil, selling pelts and catching highwaymen in Cheydinhal and Bruma, until he found himself in Skyrim. By age 25, the Stormcloak/Imperial war was at its climax. At first he did his best to stay out of the politics, hunting Elk mostly. Perhaps he'd bag a Sabercat or Bear every once in awhile. He tended to hunt traveling between Markarth and Whiterun. He often stopped to rest at Rorikstead, taking the bounties he could from Mralki. His policy changed somewhat during an Elk hunt near Whiteshore when he found a small band of Stormcloaks being harried by a giant. With a poisoned arrow, he hit the giant in the small of its back, buying the Stormcloaks an opportunity to hack at it as the giant slowed. He put another arrow in the monster's side, and then joined the stormcloaks as it weakened, finally cleaving the things skull. They thanked Dax, and offered to share a meal with him. He accepted, after looting the giant of any pelts and items it had on its person (offering to share, but they declined). He learned of the Stormcloak's struggles, which echoed in his own experiences of fighting off oppression. He told them up front he would stay out of the politics, but he would accept particular bounties from them and favored their cause. As the years progressed, he found smithing his own items and brewing his own poisons was a cheap and effective way to live. He didn't lack for anything and had no problem with hard work. At age 29, he decided he needed something new once again. He heard Dawnstar was particularly rough terrain, and troll pelts and fat might fetch a high price there. He managed to bag one troll as he traveled northward with a poisoned arrow and a flaming brand, though it was the fight of his life. He had just made it to Dawnstar... [b]Personality[/b]: [/indent]Dax is introverted and self sufficient. He's reserved, but when you meet him you'll realize there is a stark difference between being reserved and shy. He's confident in his abilities, and fears very little. His bravery and stoic nature comes from his idealistic view of the Hist and their wisdom. He is connected to his people and nation, and feels as if he is a representation of Black Marsh's strength in the outer world. A natural hunter, he has a dry wit, predator's cunning, and a single minded determination. [sub][h2]Capabilities[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][h r][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent] [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*]Expert: Archery [*]Adept: Two Handed [*]Adept: Athletics [*]Apprentice: Sneak [*]Apprentice: Smithing [*]Apprentice: Alchemy [*]Novice: Block [*]Novice: Heavy Armor [*]Novice: Unarmed [/list] [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [list] [*][b]Lack of Tact[/b]: Due to his solitary nature, and his main interactions being with his fellow introverted race, Dunmer slavers, frontier Nords, wild beasts, and hardened criminals of different races, he doesn't have much in the way of manners and will speak bluntly, or sometimes not answer at all if he doesn't feel like it. [*][b]Fear of Chains[/b]: Gets angry at the very idea of he or any Argonian being put into chains. Will grow increasingly angered and might be more liable to make rash decisions. [*][b]Lack of Magic[/b]: Relies entirely on his Argonian resilience and his own physical skills to overcome an enemy. [/list] [b]Relations and Affiliations[/b]: Family back in Black Marsh. Skreexil the Merchant in Stormhold. Argonian Guerilla fighters. Whiterun Stormcloaks, Rorikstead townsfolk, Shopkeeps of Markarth and Whiterun. [b]Spells[/b]: [b]Racial Ability[/b]: Regeneration [b]Combat Style[/b]: Daixanos tends to scout out the correct terrain and right vantage point to strike with his bow. He then whittles the enemy down until he can close in with his Axe. If that is not possible, he will still attempt to use his bow until forced into melee, for it was what his father taught him. If not, he won't shy away from meeting a foe head to head with the Axe or claws. In fact sometimes he prefers it if particularly irked. He simply prefers a clean kill with little to no error, and he was used to such tactics. [b]Other Capabilities[/b]: [/indent] [list] [*][b]Argonian abilities[/b]: Racial traits of limited regeneration, disease resilience, and underwater breathing. [*][b]Skinner[/b]: Can successfully skin a beast. [*][b]Trap maker[/b]: Can build snares and pitfalls, if given time. [*][b]Tracker[/b]: Can find trails of people/beasts under fine conditions. [/list] [sub][h2]Inventory[/h2][/sub] [sup][sup][sup][h r][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent] [b]Cash[/b]: 189 setpums [b]Tools and Crafting Materials[/b]: 3 stalks of Nightshade 3 pounds of Venison Fine Iron Dagger: Can be used in combat, but is mainly used for skinning. [b]Clothing and Armor[/b]: Linen shirt, Leather Breeches, Iron Armor, Nordic Guantlets, Nordic Bracers. [b]Weapon and Ammunition[/b]: 32 iron Arrows. Fine Hunting Bow. Iron BattleAxe. Fine Iron Dagger [b]Potion and Arcane Supplies[/b]: 3 Healing Potions 4 Poison potions Troll fat [b]Jewelry, Valuables and Personal Belongings[/b]: Amethyst locket given to him by his father. [b]Books and Documents[/b]: Bounty Ledger [b]Food, Drinks and Ingredients[/b]:[list][/list] 3 pounds of Elk Jerky. Water flask. [b]Load Bearing Equipment[/b]: Coin Pouch, small travel bag on left hip and skins bag on right. [b]Other[/b]: [/indent][/hider]