Leah's head snapped over to the man who had called her "Girly". She narrowed her eyes at him, but otherwise did not change her expression. It was best to keep her emotions to herself, even if she was irritated at the man already. He looked like the type of guy who wouldn't leave her alone if she simply ignored him, so she untangled her limbs and stood. Her fear made her shaky on her feet, and she could feel herself go lightheaded. She leaned against the side of the bed until the feeling dissipated, then walked over to the man who'd spoken to her. She put her hands up to the wall next to him, shivering slightly, and started feeling around for something, anything, unusual. Clearing her throat, she asked him [color=f6989d]"What should I be looking for?"[/color] Her voice was small and tremulous, and she hated herself for her timidity. She hoped she could at least blame her shivering on her thin pink skirt and white cotton blouse. It was quite cold in the room, and the beds had no blankets.