[h2][center][color=aba000][b]Elbritas Kessinger[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Age: 36 Element: Fire Appearance: Has shoulder-length black hair he keeps tied in either a pony tail or a bun, with a turquoise stud in his left ear. Wears a dark grey t-shirt with red shoulders, topped with an orange happi coat littered with black smiley faces. Polished off with black cargo shorts looped with a white belt and a belt buckle that changes nigh daily. Personality: Elbritas is an… eccentric man. For the most part he's rather laid back and goofy, almost like an overgrown child. But when it comes time for him to teach his classes his one and only goal in that time period is to make sure all of his students are learning well and to help the ones that are struggling to understand or produce results. He knows that fire can be a fickle fiend, so he prepared an entire cabinet's worth of varying assisting tools that can help focus, or can conduct the element easier, or anything of the like. History: He used to make regular trips back to the Academy after he graduated either for research or to simply take a break from everything. When he was 31 the old fire teacher was retiring Kano offered the position to him and he, quite simply, accepted. He enjoyed having a place to call home once more that left him open to really do whatever he wished so long as his students were progressing well. If ever a student asks what he did between graduating and teaching here he gives them a different answer every time. (Special ops to Russia, prisoner of war in Uganda, convenience store owner in Hokkaido, etc.) Equipment: Elbritas wields a simple glaive, a black steel edge mounted on a long, sleek ash haft. The haft has some detailed carvings near the ends so as to not interfere with the grip, while at the same time adding a delicate beauty to it. On the opposite end of the haft there is a rounded metal ending for blunt impact damage should the need arise. In addition he also has a pouch attached to his belt at the hip full of sharpened wooden darts that he can ignite and throw with rather good accuracy. Class Taught: Fire [h2][b][center][color=f26522]Headmaster[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/c190/f/2016/141/0/9/simple_recolor_by_fenixking13-da38ezg.png[/img][/center] Age: Unknown Element: Fire/Blood Personality: There is no predicting Headmaster, only Kano has a chance of knowing what he may do and why he may do it. For the most part he acts very kind and enthusiastically to the students and staff members, but if he sees someone breaking the rules it's going to be hell on earth for the poor soul who does it. History: Headmaster's true name is lost to the annals of time, but he came to the valley he now calls home a long, long time ago. When he arrived there was nothing in the valley, but he saw promise. Working alongside Kano and another dear friend, they wielded their immense powers to form the school initially, and then through that, decided to construct the village many elementalists now call home. Their goal was to provide a safe place for young elementalists to learn and evolve their powers past what any stray skilled elementalist could teach them, and to create a community in which those searching for a safe place to live, free from prying eyes of judgmental people jealous or scared of their powers and sought to harm or incarcerate them because of the gift that they were born with. Equipment: Nothing but a tome sealed with multiple chains that don't seem to have a lock, but that they were welded together on TOP of the book, presumably so that the only person that could possibly open it up and read it is the headmaster. Class Taught: Headmaster