[b][u] Kasius, High Orbit Space Station Vigilant [/u][/b] Screams of panic filled the air as the Senator's cruiser shattered in two, the fragments colliding with the station's shields. The Earth Delegation had followed the senator to the hanger bay to see him off, only to witness the horror of his ship engulfed in a fiery blaze of light. Joshua, along with the Earth and Confederate Delegations, as well as many bystanders looked upon in sheer terror and grief as they saw this terrible event unfold, many civilian vessels were in the vicinity of the explosion, and were caught in the blast. "Oh my God..." Joshua muttered to himself, all the while marines and rescue servicemen begun rushing out from the hallway behind them as they boarded their ships. A Marine Captain, a woman around the same age as Joshua had stepped in front of the group, few who were still in shock. "I need everyone to clear the hanger now! This is a Level Five Emergency!" "Yes...yes..you're right..I apologize" Joshua continued to mutter to himself, he and the others clearing out of the hanger. The Marine Captain turned her attention back to the chaotic scene outside in the void as Rescue and Marine Shuttles begun departing the Hanger, one Ranger-class shuttle was left on stand by, a squad of marines loaded up and waiting for their Captain, she begun walking towards the craft as he placed two fingers over the left side of her ear. "Captain Ramirez to Angel Company, rescue mission is a go."