Sanguine led the way as suggested, with Daniƫlle following close behind. They hadn't been there for too long, but the vampiress was already looking forward to a little more peace and quiet on the way back. A lot had happened right after each other during their visit to the village. Something she hadn't mentally prepared for. Though she would make sure to be prepared for it in the future. There was one thing that needed to be done before they could go though. She headed to where the alive soldier was hopefully still being kept. And as expected, her undead guard was still guarding the man out of sight. Though now the man was laying flat on the ground and her dread knight was holding him down with one foot on top of him. Sanguine grinned a little bit, snapping her fingers to dismiss the dread knight. It was only one undead after all, and with all the bodies she'd have dozens soon enough. The undead seemed to melt as it fell on the ground. And a few moments later all that was left was the same corpse that the dread knight had been created from. Once that was done with, the soldier that had given up on fighting at this point was easily pulled to his feet and directed to walk towards Bartholmew and his men. "Sir Bartholmew, a parting gift before we leave." The called as the soldier walked towards the royal warrior. "It's the soldier we managed to capture. I'm sure you have questions for him!" Some form of thanks was yelled their way, though Sanguine was already headed towards the carriage again. She just gave them that one soldier to hopefully foster a bit more good will for the future. They had their leader after all, whom was far more valuable. Once they arrived at their transport the door had already been opened for them by it's rider. Daniƫlle was there too, though had chosen to sit at the front instead of inside. It probably had something to do with a servant not sitting on equal terms with her masters or something. The woman went inside, immediately noticing that the seats were far more comfortable than she had imagined. In the game your sense of touch wasn't delicate enough to feel it. But now she noticed how soft they were. She smiled a little, as she sat down, waiting for Oliver to sit beside her before leaning against him. At the same time, they started riding as well. "Quite the day this turned out to be." Sanguine mused with a smile, her mind once again starting to think of the possibilities for the future. Neither of them had experience with true leadership as far as she knew. Let alone taking over an entire country. But considering how strong they appeared to be, such a goal now seemed quite possible to attain.