[color=turquoise][h2][center]Aaron Fletcher[/center][/h2][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/krky97Z.png[/img][/center] Over the past couple of days, Aaron had been busy finding any information he could on Corpse Collector. Unfortunately, the only thing he found was bone-dry news articles about the battle from two days ago, and speculation as to how she was able to hack the game on such a scale. All in all, around a day had been wasted on this task with no result. On the bright side, a new update for Deep Ground had rolled out during that time, although little was added, excepting some needed bug patches. At the current moment, however, he was seated in the middle of an Algebra class and taking a nap. For one reason or another, lectures on the Quadratic Formula did an amazing job of putting people to sleep, and the American was capitalizing on that fact. He was just barely closing in on a very restful half-hour when the bell that signaled the end of the day went off and jarred him awake. [color=turquoise]"Motherf..."[/color] Decidedly cutting himself off, the boy stood up and stretched, dumping the contents of his desk into his backpack and heading out of the room in the process. He stopped in the doorway as the oncoming horde of students rushing for the main entrance came by, and slipped into a small gap and started moving with the crowd. As always, it smelled like several people had forgotten to wear deodorant that day. After a long few moments of being jostled around a sea of humanity, Aaron was outside the front of the large brick building, taking in how massive Purple Crown Academy really was. [color=turquoise]"Well, that was nice. Now, who's doing what?"[/color] In a moment his phone was in his hand and he was checking his email... nothing as usual. So, he took a seat under a tree and opened up his school bag, and pulled out a notebook, laden with numbers and formulas. Even on the other side of the world, homework existed. And it was still a bitch.[hr][color=tan][h2][center]Jiro Katsurou[/center][/h2][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iqNYUzq.png[/img][/center] With a hefty sigh, Jiro Katsurou pulled a pair of tweezers out of the underside of a simple robot, setting it down on its wheels once again. He'd been working on this thing with a small group for the last month or so, getting ready for an upcoming Robotics competition. The only problem was that the others had all but abandoned the hunk of metal and rubber, leaving the blue-haired boy to finish building and coding the thing. Sure, coding wasn't an issue, but building was another story. At the moment, it was a metal box with wheels. Style points would not be won with this thing, that's for sure. Then, out of nowhere, a loud ringing was heard and Jiro looked up at the clock. It was finally time to leave the building, and he did just that, rushing out with his bag before the throng got to his room. He was outside in less than a minute, already messaging a few of his friends. [quote][b]To:[/b] [color=tan]Arms Slave, Paper Moon, etc.[/color] [b]From:[/b] [color=tan]Phantom Regality[/color] [b]Subject:[/b] [color=tan]Deep Ground Plans[/color] [color=tan]Alright, so CC is dead, Eclipse Princess hasn't shown hide nor hair of herself, and we've got nothing to do except grind for EXP. Anyone have a better way to kill time?[/color][/quote] With the message to the other Sweepers sent, Jiro took a seat on a bench and watched the crowds move. Some stopping under trees, some getting into waiting cars, and others going for the dormitories. He himself was content to watch the world go by for a little while, slowing down for any length of time for the first time that day. [@Lucius Cypher][@Jedly]