Lance watched his conversation partner as they walked, waiting until it actually sounded like she was finished, "Mmm...y-yeah, joining a group sounds best..." He was hoping they could find a good group of people when they got to their destination. He didn't want to tough it out for too long without any extra help. He wasn't confident in his ability to be the only real offensive point of a team. "Uh, I-I can place a sort of drone...they shoot once I do, I can shoot fast for a short time and uh...I can't actually use my other ability..." He didn't understand why, all it described to him was duel wielding, maybe he needed a different gun, though that sort of didn't make much sense, why would he have an ability he can't use right away? Who knew, hopefully in time he could figure it out... As they passed the city's walls and into a flowery field Lance equipped his weapon, he didn't enjoy being ambushed, and the monsters nearby where annoying to deal with. Not to mention all the PvPrs around... "W-we might want to be careful..." he commented, the fact that they would soon be in the forest probably made his statement quite unnecessary. As soon as they passed into the dark trees he took up a slightly faster pace, keeping ahead of Colleen, if there was anything that came up to them he would plan on taking most of the initial damage, he wasn't exactly the wall of china but he though he should take the hits, his partner seemed like the type who wouldn't mind but, Lance did. Lance looked back every so often to make sure that the healer was still behind him, he didn't want to have her be jumped on by some huge spider or something of the like... "W-we should be at the cave pretty soon..." Lance sounded a bit unsure, every travel through here felt different, sometimes he was more brave and it didn't take long but other went on for miles and miles. Little to Lances actual knowledge the pair was getting rather close to the cave, it wasn't amazingly far off ahead of them but through the darkness Lance couldn't properly tell. All of a sudden, Lance stopped moving, he titlted his head as if to see something better from afar, "...D-do you hear something" he asked in a near whisper, he wasn't sure but to him it sounded like something or someone was talking nearby... "S-something about a...fight" He said the last word as he tightened his grip around his weapon, he seemed to already be pointing it at the brush, he wasn't sure of what was going, or if anything [i]was[/i] even going on, but, you know what they say, better safe then sorry