Not exactly finished just yet, but I wanted to put what I have up before work. [hider=Isaac Hawthorne] Name: Isaac Hawthorne Continent of Birth: Carthus Race: Human Class: Warrior (?) Starter Equipment: Age: 22 Personality: Isaac is a humble man, but he doesn’t let people walk over him. He is friendly and can be a kind man as long as others are kind to him. Isaac was taught at a young age, “treat others the way you want to be treated,” and with very few exceptions. Isaac does not believe that anything worthy that has or will be accomplished is completed by one man, instead a team of people working toward a common goal. Isaac dreams of the glory that Ardent’s Watch receives, however he knows that he first needs to prove his merit. Strengths: - Peak Fitness - Lay of the Land - Long Swordsmanship Weaknesses: - Sustained wound on left shoulder, it sometimes can go numb for a second. - Falls to vices, primarily women Fears: - Loss of family, which is comprised of a daughter and a pregnant wife. - Spiders - The unknown (Ghosts, magic, and shit) Brief History: Isaac Hawthorne was born to two loving parents in the lovely port of Ardent’s Watch, then again loving was maybe not the most accurate word choice. Isaac Hawthorne’s mother Elizabeth loved Isaac, but Nathaniel Hawthorne was a little distant, literally. Nathaniel was a notorious thief; he ran countless heists across Carthus, from Bjorn to Redcliffe. Whenever Nathaniel came home he would always bring something for young Isaac, so Isaac loved his dad. While Nathaniel was not the best role model he did love his child and his wife, but still his countless crimes could be only attributed his own growing greed. With every successful heist he became more and more confident; somehow the gods felt it wasn’t time to punish the cocky thief. As the years flew Isaac had grown into a powerful young man, his body thickening and growing into cords of muscle. However all Isaac wanted was to be more like old dad and that led Isaac into petty crimes. As Isaac was strong and fast enough to be a thief he lacked some intangibles, but he tried hard to be something he wasn’t. Nathaniel could not be happier to have his son follow the trail his big head had left. Instead of worrying for the boy’s future he thought of the glory, of the plunder and legends a father son crime duo could have. Drunk on thoughts of glory Nathaniel brought his son on an ill-fated criminal expedition that would be his last. The sword of legendary knight Count Garth Grimwell was the prize of this criminal endeavor. The sword was given as a reward for years of service from King Alexander Chamberhill and was made with respective Carthian materials including large gems from prison. The sword was protected by layers of enchantment within the Count’s mansion. To gain access to the room they had to grapple to the second story window and continue to the study where the sword is shown off inside a case. After all of the enchantments are dissolved the case can be opened via lock pick and then the sword is theirs. The plan went well up until the final step of opening the case. The entire party forgot to check for traps inside the lock and when Nathaniel pushed the lock pick in, the lock sent a beam of energy out. With years of razor sharp reflexes and luck of whatever god had to be watching over him Nathaniel dodged the blast however Isaac wasn’t as lucky. The blast hit Isaac in the left shoulder and simultaneously alerted the entire mansion. Nathaniel told the other conspirators to take his son and leave. Within that moment Nathaniel figured that he should take the opportunity to be the father he should be and sacrificed the rest of his life. Nathaniel, instead of execution, received the maximum sentence in prison. In the months following Isaac saw how Nathaniel destroyed his family. While he sacrificed himself for his family Isaac saw that a criminal lifestyle can only lead to destruction. In the following months Isaac had to struggle to train himself with his injury, forcing himself to trust his body during the split second of numbness. In the following couple years Isaac tried to live his life as a good man, he joined the guard, met a wonder woman from Caracas now named Marie Hawthorne, and has even pulled strings to visit his father in prison, life was good for Isaac. There was still one thing he wanted, Isaac wanted to join Ardent’s Watch, but he didn’t have the experience. Isaac was determined to gain the experience and join the elite member of Ardent’s Fall. [/hider]