A look of shock crossed Sey's face as Roxy approached. Shock was probably a word too expressive to convey what crossed his face, it was more of a raising of eyebrows and the slightest flinch a person could make without it being called swaying. The unsightly black collar tightened around her neck was definitely new, of course the invention of Vlad who was no doubt fed up with her constant escape attempts as well. [color=00a651]"Hello, Roxy"[/color] He said, a degree of awkwardness in the air. [color=00a651]"What's with the uh.."[/color] He made a sort of swaying motion with his finger over his neck, referring to the collar. He sort of knew what it was for, but a conversation starter like that is as good as any. His ear's pricked to the young voice of Avary before he turned to face him once more, slightly taken aback by the handshake. He tentatively shook the hand, before continuing. [color=00a651]"You guys know each other right?"[/color] He said referring to the duo he had previously engaged in conversation and Roxy. [color=00a651]"Wouldn't want to be so rude as to talk in two conversations at once"[/color] He added with a hint of jovialness in his voice. [@Overlord24][@KatherinWinter][@Always]