[hider=Tusk] Name: Tusk to the fairfolk, Shuzzug to the orcs. Race: Half-Orc Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: A big man, standing somewhere near seven feet tall, Tusk is a lumbering figure. Thick black hair, long on the top and shaved on the sides and back, is usually gathered into a loose knot on the back of his head. His grayish skin sometimes glistens as green as his eyes in the right light, but its usually a damn flattering light for this effect to take place. His face is wide and flat, facial hair a dark black scruff, longer around the mustaches, chins and side burns than the actual cheek. One of his ears is notched, an old wound from some fanged creature. His entire body is scarred, tattooed, and otherwise mutilated to excess. His frame is solid, the kind of man who could literally push a brick shithouse down. His clothes vary, but he does very much enjoy an old bomber jacket, white fur at the collar and an angry dragon sewn onto the back. Personality: Compared to his tribe, Tusk is gentle, good-hearted, and humble, not very great characteristics for an orc. Compared to the fairfolk, he’s rough, aloof, and brutish, sticking out like the sorest of thumbs. Tusk thinks of himself as simply an inquisitive spirit with a temper. He absolutely hates the practice of slavery, a vestigial emotion from his own slave days. While he holds the lives of the fairfolk in some regard, his bloodthirsty ancestry comes alive in the badlands, where killing mutants wholesale is practically encouraged. A quiet creature, he spends most of his time tinkering by himself, the only company he cares to keep. History: The son of a nameless human slave and an orc warrior of no fame, Shuzzug was allowed to live in the orc clan Mishoggrub as a slave-warrior, a thrall. Torn from his human mother once he could stand, and never knowing his orc father, Shuzzug was tossed into the kennels with the other thralls and the hounds, and he survived. Survival is hard in the kennels. The other thralls are just as willing to kill a man as the slave masters. Though the others were bad, they were nothing compared to the hounds, great hulking beasts with tempers as bad as their smell. Shuzzug had watched one of his comrades get torn to shreds on more than one occasion because of an ill-tempered hound. As a thrall, Shuzzug was the first into any battle, armed with nothing but his chains and fierce will to survive. Thralls were used to test the enemy lines, and he was good at it, surviving battle after battle because of his wits and good luck. After his thirteenth charge, Chief Mishoggrub freed Shuzzug on the pretense of finding some niche to fill in the clan. It did not take long. Shuzzug possessed a cunning that no one in the camp possessed, outside of the handful of other half-orcs. He was readily brought into a gang of engineers, most of whom were half-orc as well, with a small retinue of gnomish and dwarfish slaves. Together they reclaimed any old tech with a bloody purpose and refurbished it. The half-orc engineers were of no better temperament than their full-blooded ilk, just as cruel and twice as smart. They would use their rudimentary knowledge of explosives for fun, blowing up slaves for no greater purpose than pleasure. They used slaves as test subjects for new engines, freshly cobbled together from cannibalized parts, and sent them careening to their deaths in piecemeal vehicles. And they used slaves as food, cannibalizing the fairfolk in different way than they did the engines. As a former slave, Shuzzug held little respect for those activities. Shuzzug hatched a plan with a dwarf slave, Barundar, to get them back to Terra, in return, Barundar would vouch for Shuzzug and take him on as help. Shuzzug’s strike was unprovoked, unseen, and unexpected.. In the dead of night, Shuzzug released the slaves and gave them a transport truck. Bidding them farewell, Shuzzug claimed a couple of his pet projects. One was a bomb, and damn big one at that. He scrapped the thing together after scavenging an old missile silo a year before. He primed the bomb and hopped onto his other project, a heavy motorcycle covered in a smattering of spikes and bad paint. Just as the sun started to rise, Shuzzug put on a pair of broken sunglasses and sped off, leaving whatever would be left of Clan Mishoggrub to its fate. Barundar did take him in when he reached Terra. He changed his name to Tusk, and he did the same work for Barundar as he did for the orc engineers, running raids in the old places for tech he would later refurbish; only now he had a mostly full belly. Strengths: Being a half-orc, Tusk is bigger, stronger, and tougher than most of the other fairfolk. He has more than passing knowledge on a lot of old tech, able to jury rig most contraptions without too much hassle. Tusk is familiar with the badlands and how to survive in them as well, and has had ample experience fighting the mutants out there. Weaknesses: Unfortunately, his half-orc upbringing had some negative effects outside of being half-mutant. His temper flairs easily, and his fists tend to follow after. He has only seen the badlands and the edge of Terra, so any sort of manners or etiquette are far and away from his mind. Combined, Tusk is a less than charming individual with an ex-slave dwarf as his only friend. [/hider]