[center][img]http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll12/Shiori_Utsuri/cutmypic_zpslp3dv7ct.png[/img] [h1][color=cornflowerblue]Erika Mitsuki[/color][/h1] [hr] [@Mega Birb][@TheWindel][/center] Her first day back had been magnificent, in a sense. She'd been given a large welcome, many students coming to her to ask her how she was and to give her cards they'd made while she was in the hospital. Before, Erika had been popular in name only. Now it seemed every fanged ranger or cobalt bruiser that had chased her down the street or ivory mask that had harassed her had an apology and wanted to get to know her as a person. At first it was overwhelming, and yet she took it better than she thought she would. She'd never been popular like this before, with people genuinely asking her about things she likes or her opinions on ideas. All teachers seemed to be welcome to her as well... but that didn't make up for the fact she'd missed about a weeks worth of tests and homework. More than a little worn down, she walked out of the school speaking with her best friend Yuuki. The two laughed at something the other had said, causing Erika's gentle curls to bounce up and down and her thick, hipster-esque glasses to slide halfway down her nose. At that moment, she happened to bump into a familiar red head. Looking up, her large, pale blue eyes blinked when they saw the item of her crush before she'd slipped into a coma. Michael, aka the red king. She blushed, but instead of acting bashful as she usually did, her back straightened. She bowed her head to him as she felt her heart rate increase. [color=cornflowerblue]"Red king..."[/color] She smiled as she looked back up at him, seeming to instantly catch his eyes again. He made her swoon just by him standing there... but she didn't want to give him trouble. She placed a hand on his arm, letting it slowly slip off of him as she passed, her black hair being tossed in the wind from being outside. She glanced back at him, smiling, before hurrying along. Today was amazing, indeed. At that moment she noticed the boy from before, Aaron, sitting under a tree and pulling out work. She could probably use some help herself, now that she thought about it. She ran up to him ecstatically. [color=cornflowerblue]"Aaron! Hey!"[/color] She slid down in the grass in front of him, her pale eyes wide. In the last day they'd met up, they'd gotten into a small dialogue back in the hospital and were starting to become friends. She glanced at his homework and pulled her own out. [color=cornflowerblue]"It's impossible,"[/color] She sighed, putting her bookbag aside and waving goodbye to Yuuki who continued her way down the hill. [color=cornflowerblue]"You'd think being in a coma would excuse you from homework. I'd ask my brother for help but he's busy off somewhere pouting. Think you can help me instead?"[/color]