[center][h1]August Dupin[/h1][/center] [center]Physical State: Highly Alert. Mental State: Distant due to the presence of death. Slightly agitated by Dr. Steiner.[/center] In a rather surprisingly efficient manner Professor Dupree and August had dispersed the crowd of gawkers: the combination of his shear intimidating figure mixed with Duprees' authority as a campus professor having allowed them to run off the medium sized group of mostly students rather easily. He was somewhat pleased to see that they had in fact kept anyone from disturbing the ever growing pool of blood surrounding the unrecognizable pile of remains that was Dr. Atkins-not that it really mattered, he quickly reminded himself. Afterall he was extremely certain this would just be outright ruled as a suicide by the authorities-none the less August did his damnedest to preserve the scene as best he could for the boys in blue. [u]"I didn't catch your name, but you're with the police, or were at some point I take it?"[/u] The man whom August had shakein hands with moments before spoke up-August had thought the man looked like a scatter brain of sorts and didn't particularly like the way he looked at him; it was as if his focus was never actually on the conversation at hand but instead was thinking of something else. Something negative, probably insulting. Regardless August flashed such a well rehearsed smile that it almost appeared genuine. “I was-but that was an entire war ago friend. These days I just...well, I get by. I'm actually in town looking for my niece. Perhaps you've heard of her Professor? I don't mean to make light of the situation at hand-” Without skipping a beat or glancing at the shattered remnants of Dr. Atkins August went on to lie with the kind of face that one could only aquire from years of practice; which is to say his helpful yet inquisitive demeanor remained as unchanged as the tired look on his face. “-But I am actually in town for a specific reason. I am trying to find my niece [color=ed1c24]Faye Desdemona[/color]. My sister, her mother, told me she attends school here but...well...I'm no detective you see? In truth I was just going to inquire as to where her whereabouts were with your main office when I stumbled upon this...gruesome scene. Needless to say the old part of me, the part that you so brilliantly dedeuced was a cop, couldn't help but stop in an effort to lend a hand.” August paused here, his massive frame catching his breathe for a brief moment before his deep voice bellowed on. “Oh, how rude of me though-please, call me August. If you'd like I could wait here for the authorities to arrive?” He traced his gaze between Dupree and Steiner in an attempt to make the former man not feel left out. He thought that perhaps if he was lucky he might indeed learn something here; he was also well aware people were far more likely to open up to "Uncle August" rather than "A Private Investigator looking for a young women."