[b]Name:[/b] Chamber R. Wesson [b]Location:[/b] Logue Town - Guns & Donuts! [b]Mentions:[/b] [@Zobozun][@Pacifista] [hr] [b]WHAT?...SORRY, CAN YOU SAY THAT AGAIN? I CAN’T READ LIPS AUFUGHAH![/b] Chamber blinked when he saw the fat seagull lodge itself into the doughnut-smeared mouth of his soulmate. It was the most random thing he had ever seen and before he could attempt a heroic rescue, the wind was stolen from his sails when her friend stepped forth to unplug the bird. Chamber raised his arm to guard his face from the frantic slapping the bird gave, and when the creature was freed into the sky, his attention was directed down to the swarm of other birds that had suddenly gathered around him to pick up the doughnut crumbs. Growing irritated, Chamber reached down to grab one of the greedy seagulls by the back of its neck. He then drew from a holster at his hip, one of his pistols and pressed to the side of the bird’s head. Glaring down at the crowd of foul, he threatened, “If you guys don’t want to see this bird blasted all over the pavement, then you’ll get out of here!” All the seagulls stopped eating to stare up at the gunman and regarded their friend who was trembling and wiggling his webbed feet in panic. With a war cry-like seagull squeal, the first bird angrily launched like a missile at Chamber to connect with his head. “Agh! What the hell!?” he cursed. Soon a flock of angry seagulls were pecking and bombarding him left and right. Rising to his feet, he swatted at the birds and found himself being slowly drawn away from Giko. “You’re interfering!” he shouted. “My darling! Wait for me! I will return with fried chicken!”