Name: Toube Stoneridge Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Toube is a little short for his age, around 5' 4". He's not fat, but he's not skinny either, more like husky. His skin is naturally tan, making him appear to have Mexican or Brazilian relatives. His hair is bleach blonde, and his natural black showing at the roots, but somehow he makes it look good. Despite bleaching his hair to death, Toube has a fluffy bowl cut that curls down the back of his neck to rest just between his shoulder blades. His eyes are hazel, and accented with thick dark eye lashes that make all the girls jealous. Toube usually wears a sweater vest with a long or quarter sleeved shirt underneath. He prefers plaid or corduroy pants, avoiding jeans unless he's doing a dirty chore or it's laundry day. Then he rocks his jean shorts from freshman year. Personality: Quiet most of the time - unless something piques his interest, an eavesdropper to say the least (he really just likes to know things), not so much a know-it-all but rather a fountain that spews useless information and pointless facts on command, shy towards most people but a sarcastic jokester when with close friends, would probably make a good house wife - meaning he enjoys cleaning a little too much, can seem condescending at times (keyword: seem), avoids most other guys Post Example: It was that time of day again. That time when the sun went down and the sky turned a dark shade of blue. The stars dotted the evening sky as Toube stepped out of the small but flashy music store on the corner and locked the door behind him. Yup, it was that time of day again; closing time. Toube started down the sidewalk, making his way back to the apartment complex he called home. It wasn't a long walk, the store he worked at was only a couple of blocks away. He didn't mind walking, anyways. It was good exercise and it helped him wind down after work. The air was cool, the crickets where singing their soothing song, and it gave Toube the time to think. He never thought about anything in particular, it wasn't like he planned what he would think about during the lull in business. His mind just sort of wondered onto any and every topic that floated into his consciousness. [i]-"I should do something this weekend." -"Maybe I'll swing by the library and go try out that new coffee shop on fourth street..." -"Why do men wear pants and women wear skirts? Wouldn't it make more sense the other way around? Well the Irish did wear kilts... Or was that the Scottish?..."[/i] With his mind occupied it didn't take long for Toube to get home. He flipped on the light and unpinned his name tag from his sweater, setting it down in a bowl on a table beside the door. He also dropped his keys in as well. Opening the door to his bedroom Toube kicked off his shoes and grabbed his old laptop from the nightstand. It was one of those old things with the little red button you used to control the cursor. Shuffling back out into the livingroom and into the small kitchen attached to it he placed the monster of a computer on the kitchen counter and opened it up. Toube sighed, finding the website he had bookmarked months ago. [b]"Lesse here..."[/b] he pulled the door to the fridge open and bent over, his eyes searching tiredly. [b]"Celery, onions, and steak... Celery, onions, and steak..."[/b] He straightened up, opening the cupboard left of him. Inside sat a few cans of vegetables and tomato sauce. In the very back there was also a small bag of rice. Toube turned his attention back to the computer, entering the ingredients he had into the recipe search engine. After about thirty seconds the page finished loading and the list popped up. [b]"Oh, hey, curry."[/b] He mumbled to himself in a surprised but lazy tone and set to work flicking on the gas burner on the stove top beside him. --- Oh my gosh I will do this. I WILL DO THIS UNTIL IT CANNOT BE DONE ANY MORE. I WANT TO SEE THIS HAPPEN, I WILL PLAY MULTIPLE CHARACTERS IF I HAVE TO.