[@boomlover] Yeah even though it is coming from a design prospective it really works for any creative medium as the sentiments the same. Nobody learns anything if nobody throws themselves out there. And on the flip side elitism doesn't help anyone either because if you don't get more variety into your gene pool well you end up becoming just as stagnant. Nobody is perfect, and we all can learn something no matter how good you think you are. Or at least that is my opinion on the matter. [@RomanAria] Mhm that is perfectly understandable don't want to take on more than one can handle, it just ends up getting messy. But of course if you time to participate in this crazy little Space Opera well the more the merrier I say! [@Zoldyck] Well Dune was certainly an inspiration, everybody loves Frank Herbert. :lol But yeah we are currently accepting so if you want to throw up a character sheet like everyone else we will see what happens!