[color=Darkorchid]Drosil Maeneld(?)[/color] 'Drosil' was able to meet one of their companions sooner than expected, as they stumbled on Dalious crawling along the floor away from more of the immortal assassins, and the sight of the young rouge brought a sultry smile upon the mage's face as the shadowy armor that had developed around him suddenly rushed forward, crashing into the coming horde in the form of a Shadow elemental, the glow of its eye a menacing purple as it tore into the horde with a savage ferocity. While the elemental kept them occupied, 'Drosil' knelt down over Dalious, pulling his chin up with a gentle, but firm hand as they lucked into the man's eyes. Here, Dalious would be able to see well and truly that something was wrong with the mage, as his eyes were not only a completely different color, but were often filled with some sort of glee or excitement, while these violet orbs were filled with only a dark playfulness. In these eyes, Dalious was less like a person and more like a very valuable toy. Or a delectable meal if the lick of the mage's lips were anything to go by. [color=Darkorchid]"Not too bad, I must say, though if you cleaned yourself a bit, I assume it'd be even better. Oh well, the messy look suits your personality well, so I guess it's just a matter of taste."[/color] 'Drosil' released their grip on the pirate's chin, only to help them up of the bloodied ground, looking him over once or twice before giving a slight pat on their chest, taking a moment to feel the muscle underneath. [color=Darkorchid]"Mmmmm, quite solid too. I wonder how many women have gone to bed nestled against your solid frame. But. . . sadly, I'm not in the place to find out. I'll have to meet you in person for a more intimate experience, but for now, just sit back, deary. I've got work to do, and you'll only get in the way.[/color] With that, 'Drosil' walked away from Dalious with a flourish, indulging in a little spin before turning to face the horde of assassin's, who had managed to subdue the elemental with their superior numbers and were now turning around to attack the two survivors standing in front of them. They offered the menacing force a calm, smile that didn't reach their eyes as they rose their hand, calling forth their staff from nearby on the ground. As the crystalline scepter came into contact with his hand, it immediately changed its form to suit the nature of it's wielder, the base taking on a dark amethyst color that lighten as it went up the staff until it reached the top, where the sphere fused with the base to form a spear-point type protrusion, the tip of which took on a rather ominous glow to it. As the immortals charged, they're smile only widened as they gently placed the tip on the ground, enlarging their own shadow to engulf the entirety of the floor in front of them. The shadow also changed, becoming like a window to an abyss filled with millions upon millions of vibrant lights, all taking on a variety of colors and vibrancies. It's only when one of these lights neared the view were the truth would be revealed, as the light from the hallway, faint as it was, revealed the form of a long tentacle, which burst through the portal between worlds to grasp one of the charging men, pulling them into the deep, where a behemoth of a squid was waiting, it's beak opening wide to devour the struggling morsel. With this action, blood was in the water, and the feeding frenzy began. More and more horrors of the deep rose forth to capture more morsels from the strange source of light that had invaded their dark abode. One such creature was humanoid in appearance, except for having the head of an angler fish, rising to grasp at the legs of one assassin before pulling him into the deep, where more of his family rushed in to devour the man living. Another sea beast simply rose up to swallow two men whole, it's being looking like that of a shark, but much larger in size. All of this and more rose from the depths of the abyss to feed and before long, all of the horde had dispersed, dragged away to die a painful depth in the depths of this world. The portal faded back into shadow, which then retreated to reform into 'Drosil's 'shadow. Letting out a breath, the mage wiped their forehead, feeling more than a little fatigued from keeping a gate like that open for so long. Using the staff as more of a crutch at this point, they turned to Dalious, smile on their face as they made a shushing motion. [color=Darkorchid]"Looks like I wanted to show off too much, but alas, I've never been one for subtleties. That being said, this'll have to be a secret between you and me, okay?"[/color] At this point, a sudden change would come over them, the smile fading from their lips as the summoner pinned Dalious with their violet eyes, almost paralyzing them with their intensity as magic suddenly flared around them in a violet blaze, their voice clawing itself into his very soul. [color=Darkorchid]"You aren't allowed to tell anyone, not even Drosil, about what you've seen just now, nor may you write it down, signal, or otherwise alert anyone to this. It's just a secret between me and you."[/color] With this, Dalious would find himself feeling an immense pressure upon his mind the moment he tried to say or otherwise communicate the events he had witness or the condition of the mage to anyone he met. It would feel as if everything in his body was being compressed till they were about to burst and leave him feeling like he would be unable to do anything. After the spell was cast, 'Drosil's' eyes would close and they'd take a breath. He'd suddenly fall to the ground, barely catching himself with his staff, which would return to its normal state, looking around, Drosil would reach down to his stomach, shocked to find the wound completely healed. The room held a confusing mix of blood and sea water, and Dalious was standing across from him as well. He had no idea what ha just occured after he had been stabbed, but he had a sneaking suspicion of what it might've been. "D-Dalious, what . . what just happened? LAst thing I remember was getting stabbed through the chest when I was facing one of those immortal assassin's, which I'll assume you've met, and the next thing I know, I'm unharmed and standing with you. . . are you able to tell me what happened here?"