Morgan eventually logged out only to find her still in her room, half starved but alive. After a full meal, hot bath, and a look out the door for some fresh air she looked to see what the time and day was. It surprisingly wasn't all that long since she jacked in, but way longer than she should and would normally. Apparently they were doing some system maintenance, so hopefully whatever she experienced wouldn't happen again; but if the so called maintenance was just regular updates, that would mean she'd be free to try once more to access reccords. She didn't return to school for whatever reason feeling if they didn't noticed she was missing she could get away for a few more days. Though, still able to pull off the sick angle, both by acting and her current state of attire, if she had to. Her mind still felt funny on the days prior, but only the most embarrassing incidents coming crystal clear. She did at least know who/why/how she was where she was. She'd unfortunately have to wait for that coffee date with CC, but that just made time for her to look more into who the Black King was. She pulled on some sweat pants and sweat shirt along and took another box lunch and set of lock-picks as she made her way down to the Records and Administration office, trying to stay out of sight as she waited for her chance.