Thursday March 21, 2016 Mina sighed. Why did these people have to fight all the time? They just had to ignore one thing, and the fight wouldn't have happened in the first place. When everyone started running towards the ship, Mina sighed again. They were making her run again. She decided to stay where she was until someone came back to fetch her if she was needed. After a few seconds, she felt a slight pull. It was as if the ship was trying to suck her in. [i]Fine. I'll walk slowly. [/i] When the people in front of her vanished out of her sight, her mind went crazy. [i]What if they're all gone? What if they're all [b]dead[/b]?[/i] She started to sprint towards the ship. As soon as she saw that they were all okay, she calmed down. [i]Wait, what happened? Is the ship now controlling my body, too?[/i]