One of Sey's black eyebrows ever so slightly as the girl got up and moved. He wondered if she had misinterpreted what he had said and moved because of it, not exactly the best introduction he could have hoped for. In all honesty, he was hoping to form a sort of guerrilla alliance between the rest of the patients within the facility. He had failed escaping so many times on his own that it only seemed logical to ally with others this time around. He turned back to Roxy as she began speaking. [color=00a651]"Lucky for me then he wouldn't be able to test me with one of those things around my neck then."[/color] He spoke, taking a momentary glance over to Vlad before continuing. A look of concern briefly crossed his eyes as he continued. [color=00a651]"Say, that collar there doesn't have a microphone or anything in it, does it?"[/color] During his time within the facility he had developed a sense of paranoia within himself. After all, who can you trust when just about anyone could be one of Vlad's pawns. [@KatherinWinter][@Overlord24]