[center][color=00CED1][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LjAxODJkNS5RV3hrWlc0Z1UyVmlZWE4wYVdGdS4y/enchanted-land.regular.png[[/img][/color] Thursday March 21st, 2016 [@great sogeking][@ally610] [/center] [hr][hr] It has been less than 5 minutes and there was already a fight going on. It is to be expected, Alden honestly didn't know what Om was thinking, nor was he actually thinking. Putting these people togethere is a bad chemical reaction. Before he could jump in however, a blinding light caused Alden to place his hands infront of the light. Soon after a mad scramble went towards the light, however Alden was more weary than anything. I mean, who would make a mad dash towards some unknown, foreign object. That's not to say his curiousity was piqued however. He furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly as he tried to make sense of whatever [i]that[/i] was. He didn't notice that he himself was also walking slowly towards the odd ship. It seems as if everyone tried to sprint towards the ship, even Mina. It was to be expected, and after a troubling, deep sigh, Alden began his steady and unhurried ascent on the metal ramp upwards. With each step there was an odd sound produced, as if the metal wasn't off this world, each producing a notable 'thwang'. As he entered, Blake ran headfirst into a wall. Donning his normal, habitual smile he offered out a hand towards the downed boy, [color=00CED1]"You alright?"[/color] he asked, [color=00CED1]"Need a hand?"[/color]