If Tanika had been startled when a little fox jumped out of the underbrush she was certainly startled when it morphed into a player. Curiously, she didn't run away, though she fought the urge. Instead she lightly bent her knees, a stance that allowed the greatest mobility, and drew a knife. She didn't know why she felt an obligation to help these people. They'd given her a health potion, sure, but they had done that of their own accord. She didn't owe them anything. The smart thing to do would be to take advantage of the fox's distraction and to high-tail it. If this new player meant to steal from them, which he obviously did seeing as how he was dangling like a rag doll from a coin purse only seconds ago, then she would be the easiest target. She had little armor and possibly the most gold of the trio, what with the new gold from the monster brought her coin total to 5350g. Yet, for some reason she decided to linger. They were kind people after-all, she would feel guilty abandoning them to a thief. She wouldn't be much dealing damage if a brawl should start, but if the thief were to direct his attention at [i]her[/i] she might be able to distract him long enough for the other two to do something. [b]"So,"[/b] she stepped forward, though never putting her feet flat on the ground [b]"You want gold right?"[/b] she dangled her coin purse in front of her. [b]"Well,"[/b] she snatched it back up, concealing it safely in her inventory. [b]"The other two don't have anything. You'll have to catch me first."[/b] She smiled before throwing a knife and bouncing backwards. She knew it would miss but hopefully it would get his attention. [i]Look at me all strategic and stuff.[/i] she thought to herself. She sincerely hoped that her being an easy target would be incentive enough for him to go after her, rather than the other two, but she had another motive as well. She was also trying to keep the thief from getting killed.