[h1]James Carter[/h1] "GLADLY!" I exclaim, and I prepare for combat. Things resembling glowing blue circuitry race across my skin, covering my whole body in the glowing blue TRON lines that signify my reinforce magic. This angel just saved my life and doesn't seem to be too keen on ending it. So I guess questions can come later. [i]"You take the gunner! I'll handle the jammer!"[/i] I send telepathically. My feet send cracks that spiderweb through the concrete as I jump clean across the street rooftops. [i]"My spirit can handle the CQC PCU on the ground, is your partner nearby? Can she take some of these guys? Even the odds a bit?"[/i] I'm talking as I tackle the CQC specialist that stabbed the angel. He will definitely interfere if I start killing his buddies. We crash right through the warehouse rooftop, dropping another 40 feet to a hard landing on the cool concrete. I pick him up by the collar of his shirt and throw him across the room into the wall, my enhanced strength making it easier than throwing a baseball. He slowly gets up and staggers a bit before steadying himself, and I finally get a good look at him. A 6 foot 6 mountain of man, in camouflage pants and combat boots with a tan t-shirt and a graying blond crew cut. God, give this man a cigar and an m16 and he could walk right onto the set of an 80s action film and nobody would even notice. He pulls out a combat knife and starts walking towards me.